更新时间:2021-08-13 17:19:17
About the Authors
About the Reviewers
Chapter 1. Getting Started
What jQuery does
Why jQuery works well
Making our first jQuery-powered web page
Plain JavaScript versus jQuery
Using development tools
Chapter 2. Selecting Elements
Understanding the DOM
Using the $() function
CSS selectors
Attribute selectors
Custom selectors
DOM traversal methods
Accessing DOM elements
Chapter 3. Handling Events
Performing tasks on page load
Handling simple events
Event propagation
Altering the journey – the event object
Removing an event handler
Simulating user interaction
Chapter 4. Styling and Animating
Modifying CSS with inline properties
Hiding and showing elements
Effects and duration
Creating custom animations
Simultaneous versus queued effects
Chapter 5. Manipulating the DOM
Manipulating attributes and properties
DOM tree manipulation
Copying elements
Content getter and setter methods
DOM manipulation methods in a nutshell
Chapter 6. Sending Data with Ajax
Loading data on demand
Choosing a data format
Passing data to the server
Delivering different content for Ajax requests
Keeping an eye on the request
Error handling
Ajax and events
Security limitations
Exploring additional options
Chapter 7. Using Plugins
Finding plugins and help
Using a plugin
Other types of plugins
The jQuery UI plugin library
The jQuery Mobile plugin library
Chapter 8. Developing Plugins
Using the dollar ($) alias in plugins
Adding new global functions
Adding jQuery object methods
Providing flexible method parameters
Creating plugins with the jQuery UI widget factory
Plugin design recommendations
Chapter 9. Advanced Selectors and Traversing
Selecting and traversing revisited
Customizing and optimizing selectors
DOM traversal under the hood
Chapter 10. Advanced Events
Revisiting events
Event delegation
Defining custom events
Throttling events
Extending events
Further reading
Chapter 11. Advanced Effects
Animation revisited
Observing and interrupting animations
Using global effect properties
Multiproperty easing
Using deferred objects