第4章 居家交流(1)
0135:此房出租/出售。This house is for rent /sale.
0136:这个房子有中央供暖。This house has central heating.
0137:真便宜。It’s really a bargain.
0138:这一带的房子很贵。The houses in this neighborhood are very expensive.
0139:我想要有家具的房子。I want to rent a furnished house.
0140:我想租一间一房一厅的公寓。I’d like to rent a one-bed room apartment.
0141:我想与一个男孩合住一套公寓。I’d like to share a flat with a boy.
0142:就租这间了。We’ll rent this flat.
0143:这个房子看上去可以。This apartment looks nice.
0144:这房子太旧了,需要刷一下。This is a rather old
house,it needs painting.
0145:客厅可真大呀!The living room is really large,isn’t it!
The apartment has been recently renovated and comescompletely furnished.
0147:我住在这里有家的感觉。I feel at home living here.
0148:房东太太人很好。The landlady is very good.
0149:这套公寓真不错!It’s a nice apartment!
0150:你已经连着两个月迟交房租了。For the second monthin a row,your rent is late.
0151:这里有没有房子要出租?Do you have any apartmentsfor rent right now?
0152:你喜欢什么样的家具?What kind of furniture do youlike?
0153:那间公寓里有家具吗?Is that apartment furnisherd?
0154:要多少租金?又要多少押金?What’s the rent andcheposit on that?How much is the deposit?
0155:谁付水、电和煤气等费用?Who pays for the utilities?
0156:要交押金吗?Do you require the deposit?
0157:你能帮我搬家吗?I’m moving,could you help?
0158:听说您有空房间。I’ve been told you might have a vacant room.
是的,我有一间空房。Yes,I have a spare room.
Would it be ok to look at the room now?
Could you come here in 10minutes?We’re right in the middle of dinner.
0160:这客厅有多大?How big is the living room?/What is the erea of your living room.
大约有40平方米。about forty square meters.
0161:我能打开窗户透透气吗?Can I open the window for air?
0162:房租多少?How much is the rent?
一个月2500元。2500yuan a month.
0163:房租中包括水、电和煤气费吗?Are the utilities included in the rent?
只包括煤气。你需要支付水电费。Only gas is included.You have to pay for the electricity and water.
0164:我们什么时候可以搬进来?When can we move in?
下周三就可以。Next Wednesday,if you like.
0165:这个客厅太大,感觉冷清。This living room is hugeand cold.
0166:那些银色的家具给人冷的感觉。The silver furniturelooks so cold.
0167:我想把那些画挂在那面墙上。I’d like to hang thesepaintings on that wall.
0168:约翰不喜欢现代式的设计。John doesn’t likecontemporary design.
0169:约翰想用象牙白的色调来装饰客厅。John wants theliving room in an ivory tone.
0170:我想把窗户改成落地窗。I would like to change thewindows into French windows.
0171:水龙头漏水了。The faucet is leaking.
0172:下水道又堵了。The drain is blocked again.
0173:热水器坏了。The water heater doesn’t work.
0174:我去找个人来修一下。I’ll ask someone to fix it.
0175:热水器里没有一点儿火苗。There isn’t any flame in the water heater.
0176:浴缸需要清洗。The bathtub needs scrubbing.
0177:浴缸下水道的水在往外溢。The bathtub is backing up.
0178:马桶不能冲水了。The toilet won’t flush.
0179:马桶堵上了。The toilet is clogged.
0180:停电了。The electricity isn’t working.
0181:您想要什么材质的沙发?What kind of fabric would you like for your sofa?
0182:你想把沙发放在哪儿?Where do you want this sofa?
0183:有一张特大号的床,您要看吗?Would you like to see this extre large bed?
0184:壁炉前要不要放一张地毯?Do yo want a rug in front of the fireplace?
0185:我们该怎么装饰圣诞树呢?How are we going to
decorate the Christmas tree?
0186:哪里来的,这么漂亮的花瓶?What a lovely vase!
Where did you get it?
0187:你可以在墙上设计一个橱柜吗?Could you design acupboard along the wall?
0188:你喜欢法式乡村风格吗?Do you like French CountryStyle?
0189:你喜欢较柔和的色调吗?You like a soft tone?
0190:你想要什么样的卧室家具?Do you have any ideasabout the bedroom furniture?
0191:你说我该种些什么好呢?What do you recommendthat I plant?
郁金香或者一些盆栽植物。Tulipor or some containergrowntrees.
0192:你有什么想法呢?What do you have in mind?
我想要张特大号的床。I want a extre large bed.
0193:那你喜欢哪一类的色调呢?What kind of color tonesdo you like?
粉红或是紫色。Pink or purple.
0194:厨房里有没有煤气灶?Is there no gas range in the kitchen?
是的,但你可以用电炉。Yes,but you can use the electric stove.
0195:房间里有一个很大的壁橱。The room has a big closet.
太好了,我可以把行李放在里面。Well,I can put my luggage in the inside.
0196:这个浴缸可以同时容纳两个人。The bathtub is large enough for two people.
太好了,我们可以给两个孩子一起洗澡了。Great.We can give our two children a bath together.
0197:欢迎光临。Welcome to our apartment.
0198:希望你在这儿过得愉快。I hope you will enjoy yourstay here.
0199:自我介绍一下。Let me introduce myself.
0200:这位是我们的经理,约翰先生。This is our manager,Mr.John.
0201:非常高兴认识你。Nice to meet you.
0202:非常感谢你的帮助。Thank you for your help.
0203:乐意为你服务。You are welcome.
0204:为你服务是我的荣幸。It is my pleasure.
0205:我随时为你服务。I am at your service.
0206:对不起,这是我的错。I’m sorry It’s my fault.