M.Pelet could not of course object to the proposal made by Mdlle Reuter; permission to accept such additional employment, should it offer, having formed an article ofthe terms on which he had engaged me.It was, therefore,arranged in the course of next day that I should be at liberty to give lessons in Mdlle Reuter’s establishment four afternoons in every week.
When evening came I prepared to step over in order to seek a conference with Mademoiselle herself on the subject; I had not had time to pay the visit before, having been all day closely occupied in class.I remember very well that before quitting my chamber, I held a brief debate with myself as to whether I should change my ordinary attire for something smarter.At last I concluded it would be a waste of labour.“Doubtless,” thought I, “she is some stiff old maid; for though the daughter of Madame Reuter, she may well number upwards of forty winters; besides, if it were otherwise, if she be both young and pretty, I am not handsome, and no dressing can make me so, therefore I’ll go as I am.” And off I started, cursorily glancing sideways as I passed the toilet-table, surmounted by a looking-glass: a thin irregular face I saw, with sunk, dark eyes under a large, square forehead, complexion destitute of bloom or attraction; something young, but not youthful, no object to win a lady’s love, no butt for the shafts of Cupid.
I was soon at the entrance of the pensionnat, in a moment I hadpulled the bell; in another moment the door was opened, andwithin appeared a passage paved alternately with black and white marble; the walls were painted in imitation of marble also; and at the far end opened a glass door, through which I saw shrubs and a grass-plat, looking pleasant in the sunshine of the mild spring evening-for it was now the middle of April.
This, then, was my first glimpse of the garden; but I had not time to look long, the portress, after having answered in the affirmative my question as to whether her mistress was at home, opened the folding-doors of a room to the left, and having ushered me in, closed them behind me.I found myself in a salon with a very well-painted, highly varnished floor; chairs and sofas covered with white draperies, a green porcelain stove, walls hung with pictures in gilt frames, a gilt pendule and other ornaments on the mantelpiece, a large lustre pendent from the centre of the ceiling, mirrors, consoles, muslin curtains, and a handsome centre table completed the inventory of furniture.All looked extremely clean and glittering, but the general effect would have been somewhat chilling had not a second large pair of folding-doors, standing wide open, and disclosing another and smaller salon, more snugly furnished, offered some relief to the eye.This room was carpeted, and therein was a piano, a couch, a chiffonnière—above all, it contained a lofty window with a crimson curtain, which, being undrawn, afforded another glimpse of the garden, through the large, clear panes, round which some leaves of ivy, some tendrils of vine were trained“Monsieur Creemsvort, n’est ce pas?” said a voice behind me; and, starting involuntarily, I turned.I had been so taken up with the contemplation of the pretty little salon that I had not noticed the entrance of a person into the larger room.It was, however,Mdlle Reuter who now addressed me, and stood close beside me; and when I had bowed with instantaneously recovered sang- froid—for I am not easily embarrassed—I commenced the conversation by remarking on the pleasant aspect of her little cabinet, and the advantage she had over M.Pelet in possessing a garden.
“Yes,” she said, “she often thought so;” and added, “it is mygarden, monsieur, which makes me retain this house, otherwise I should probably have removed to larger and more commodious premises long since; but you see I could not take my garden with me, and I should scarcely find one so large and pleasant anywhere else in town.”
I approved her judgment.