第12章 15th February,1834
To the Rev.Joseph Jowett (ENDORSED:recd.March -,1834)ST.PETERSBURG,FEBRY.15(old style),1834.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-Having forgotten in my last letter to say something which I intended,I take the liberty of troubling you with these lines.But first of all I must apologise for certain slips of the pen in the Report which I transmitted;for it left me without having been corrected,Baron Schilling having called upon me just as I sat down to the task,and when he had departed,I had barely time to seal it and despatch it by that week's post.There was in it,I believe,nothing of much importance which required alteration,but,if I mistake not,I had written,in the third side,vibebam,instead of VIVEREM,and unaparelled,or some such word,instead of UNPARALLELED,in the fourth.Now to the point.
What is to be done with the tran of Puerot's translation of the Acts of the Apostles,which I made,and which is now in my possession?The translation is in every respect an admirable one;clear,faithful,and elegant.It would not do to print it in lieu of Mr.Lipoftsoff's translation of that part of the New Testament;because the styles of the two individuals are so different,that to mix up the writings of the one with those of the other would only serve to disfigure the work,and Mr.Lipoftsoff's translation is well worthy of being printed separately and entire;but I conceive that we possess a treasure in Puerot's writings,and that it would be a great pity to hide any portion of them from the world.Pray communicate this hint to the Committee,and pardon me for troubling you.
I remain,Rev.and dear Sir,most sincerely yours,G.BORROW.