第87章 The Groac$$$$$h of the Isle of Lok(3)
Horse of Leon, given to me, Over the earth and over the sea, Up in the air be guide to me, Everywhere to wander free, and when she had finished, the horse's fore legs grew shorter and spread into wings, his hind legs became claws, feathers sprouted all over his body, and she sat on the back of a great bird, which bore her to the summit of the rock. Here she found a nest made of clay and lined with dried moss, and in the centre a tiny man, black and wrinkled, who gave a cry of surprise at the sight of Bellah.
'Ah! you are the pretty girl who was to come and save me!'
'To save you!' repeated Bellah. 'But who are you, my little friend?'
'I am the husband of the Groac'h of the isle of Lok, and it is owing to her that I am here.'
'But what are you doing in this nest?'
'I am sitting on six eggs of stone, and I shall not be set free till they are hatched.'
On hearing this Bellah began to laugh.
'Poor little cock!' she said, 'and how am I to deliver you?'
'By delivering Houarn, who is in the power of the Groac'h.'
'Ah! tell me how I can manage that, and if I have to walk round the whole of Brittany on my bended knees I will do it!'
'Well, first you must dress yourself as a young man, and then go and seek the Groac'h. When you have found her you must contrive to get hold of the net of steel that hangs from her waist, and shut her up in it for ever.'
'But where am I to find a young man's clothes?' asked she.
'I will show you,' he replied, and as he spoke he pulled out three of his red hairs and blew them away, muttering something the while. In the twinkling of an eye the four hairs changed into four tailors, of whom the first carried a cabbage, the second a pair of scissors, the third a needle, and the fourth an iron.
Without waiting for orders, they sat down in the nest and, crossing their legs comfortably, began to prepare the suit of clothes for Bellah.
With one of the leaves of the cabbage they made her a coat, and another served for a waistcoat; but it took two for the wide breeches which were then in fashion. The hat was cut from the heart of the cabbage, and a pair of shoes from the thick stem.
And when Bellah had put them all on you would have taken her for a gentleman dressed in green velvet, lined with white satin.
She thanked the little men gratefully, and after a few more instructions, jumped on the back of her great bird, and was borne away to the isle of Lok. Once there, she bade him transform himself back into a stick, and with it in her hand she stepped into the blue boat, which conducted her to the palace of shells.
The Groac'h seemed overjoyed to see her, and told her that never before had she beheld such a handsome young man. Very soon she led her visitor into the great hall, where wine and fruit were always waiting, and on the table lay the magic knife, left there by Houarn. Unseen by the Groac'h, Bellah hid it in a pocket of her green coat, and then followed her hostess into the garden, and to the pond which contained the fish, their sides shining with a thousand different colours.
'Oh! what beautiful, beautiful creatures!' said she. 'I'm sure Ishould never be tired of watching them.' And she sat down on the bank, with her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands, her eyes fixed on the fishes as they flashed past.
'Would you not like to stay here always?' asked the Groac'h; and Bellah answered that she desired nothing better.
'Then you have only to marry me,' said the Groac'h. 'Oh! don't say no, for I have fallen deeply in love with you.'
'Well, I won't say "No,"' replied Bellah, with a laugh, 'but you must promise first to let me catch one of those lovely fish in your net.'
'It is not so easy as it looks,' rejoined the Groac'h, smiling, 'but take it, and try your luck.'
Bellah took the net which the Groac'h held out, and, turning rapidly, flung it over the witch's head.
'Become in body what you are in soul!' cried she, and in an instant the lovely fairy of the sea was a toad, horrible to look upon. She struggled hard to tear the net asunder, but it was no use. Bellah only drew it the tighter, and, flinging the sorceress into a pit, she rolled a great stone across the mouth, and left her.
As she drew near the pond she saw a great procession of fishes advancing to meet her, crying in hoarse tones:
'This is our lord and master, who has saved us from the net of steel and the pot of gold!'
'And who will restore you to your proper shapes,' said Bellah, drawing the knife from her pocket. But just as she was going to touch the foremost fish, her eyes fell on a green frog on his knees beside her, his little paws crossed over his little heart.
Bellah felt as if fingers were tightening round her throat, but she managed to cry:
'Is this you, my Houarn? Is this you?'
'It is I,' croaked the little frog; and as the knife touched him he was a man again, and, springing up, he clasped her in his arms.
'But we must not forget the others,' she said at last, and began to transform the fishes to their proper shapes. There were so many of them that it took quite a long time. Just as she had finished there arrived the little dwarf from the Deer's Leap in a car drawn by six cockchafers, which once had been the six stone eggs.
'Here I am!' he exclaimed. 'You have broken the spell that held me, and now come and get your reward,' and, dismounting from his chariot, he led them down into the caves filled with gold and jewels, and bade Bellah and Houarn take as much as they wanted.
When their pockets were full, Bellah ordered her stick to become a winged carriage, large enough to bear them and the men they had rescued back to Lanillis.
There they were married the next day, but instead of setting up housekeeping with the little cow and pig to fatten that they had so long wished for, they were able to buy lands for miles round for themselves, and gave each man who had been delivered from the Groac'h a small farm, where he lived happily to the end of his days.
From 'Le Foyer Breton,' par E. Souvestre.