MRS HUSHABYE [rising in alarm]. Pettikins, none of that, if you please. If you hint the slightest doubt of Hector's courage, he will go straight off and do the most horribly dangerous things to convince himself that he isn't a coward. He has a dreadful trick of getting out of one third-floor window and coming in at another, just to test his nerve. He has a whole drawerful of Albert Medals for saving people's lives.
ELLIE. He never told me that.
MRS HUSHABYE. He never boasts of anything he really did: he can't bear it; and it makes him shy if anyone else does. All his stories are made-up stories.
ELLIE [coming to her]. Do you mean that he is really brave, and really has adventures, and yet tells lies about things that he never did and that never happened?
MRS HUSHABYE. Yes, pettikins, I do. People don't have their virtues and vices in sets: they have them anyhow: all mixed.
ELLIE [staring at her thoughtfully]. There's something odd about this house, Hesione, and even about you. I don't know why I'm talking to you so calmly. I have a horrible fear that my heart is broken, but that heartbreak is not like what I thought it must be.
MRS HUSHABYE [fondling her]. It's only life educating you, pettikins. How do you feel about Boss Mangan now?
ELLIE [disengaging herself with an expression of distaste]. Oh, how can you remind me of him, Hesione?
MRS HUSHABYE. Sorry, dear. I think I hear Hector coming back. You don't mind now, do you, dear?
ELLIE. Not in the least. I am quite cured.
Mazzini Dunn and Hector come in from the hall.
HECTOR [as he opens the door and allows Mazzini to pass in]. One second more, and she would have been a dead woman!
MAZZINI. Dear! dear! what an escape! Ellie, my love, Mr Hushabye has just been telling me the most extraordinary--ELLIE. Yes, I've heard it [she crosses to the other side of the room].
HECTOR [following her]. Not this one: I'll tell it to you after dinner. I think you'll like it. The truth is I made it up for you, and was looking forward to the pleasure of telling it to you. But in a moment of impatience at being turned out of the room, I threw it away on your father.
ELLIE [turning at bay with her back to the carpenter's bench, scornfully self-possessed]. It was not thrown away. He believes it. I should not have believed it.
MAZZINI [benevolently]. Ellie is very naughty, Mr Hushabye. Of course she does not really think that. [He goes to the bookshelves, and inspects the titles of the volumes].
Boss Mangan comes in from the hall, followed by the captain.
Mangan, carefully frock-coated as for church or for a diHECTORs'
meeting, is about fifty-five, with a careworn, mistrustful expression, standing a little on an entirely imaginary dignity, with a dull complexion, straight, lustreless hair, and features so entirely commonplace that it is impossible to describe them.
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER [to Mrs Hushabye, introducing the newcomer].
Says his name is Mangan. Not able-bodied.
MRS HUSHABYE [graciously]. How do you do, Mr Mangan?
MANGAN [shaking hands]. Very pleased.
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. Dunn's lost his muscle, but recovered his nerve. Men seldom do after three attacks of delirium tremens [he goes into the pantry].
MRS HUSHABYE. I congratulate you, Mr Dunn.
MAZZINI [dazed]. I am a lifelong teetotaler.
MRS HUSHABYE. You will find it far less trouble to let papa have his own way than try to explain.
MAZZINI. But three attacks of delirium tremens, really!
MRS HUSHABYE [to Mangan]. Do you know my husband, Mr Mangan [she indicates Hector].
MANGAN [going to Hector, who meets him with outstretched hand].
Very pleased. [Turning to Ellie]. I hope, Miss Ellie, you have not found the journey down too fatiguing. [They shake hands].
MRS HUSHABYE. Hector, show Mr Dunn his room.
HECTOR. Certainly. Come along, Mr Dunn. [He takes Mazzini out].
ELLIE. You haven't shown me my room yet, Hesione.
MRS HUSHABYE. How stupid of me! Come along. Make yourself quite at home, Mr Mangan. Papa will entertain you. [She calls to the captain in the pantry]. Papa, come and explain the house to Mr Mangan.
She goes out with Ellie. The captain comes from the pantry.
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. You're going to marry Dunn's daughter. Don't.
You're too old.
MANGAN [staggered]. Well! That's fairly blunt, Captain.
MANGAN. She doesn't think so.
MANGAN. Older men than I have--
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER [finishing the sentence for him].--made fools of themselves. That, also, is true.
MANGAN [asserting himself]. I don't see that this is any business of yours.
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. It is everybody's business. The stars in their courses are shaken when such things happen.
MANGAN. I'm going to marry her all the same.
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. How do you know?
MANGAN [playing the strong man]. I intend to. I mean to. See? Inever made up my mind to do a thing yet that I didn't bring it off. That's the sort of man I am; and there will be a better understanding between us when you make up your mind to that, Captain.
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. You frequent picture palaces.
MANGAN. Perhaps I do. Who told you?
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. Talk like a man, not like a movie. You mean that you make a hundred thousand a year.
MANGAN. I don't boast. But when I meet a man that makes a hundred thousand a year, I take off my hat to that man, and stretch out my hand to him and call him brother.
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. Then you also make a hundred thousand a year, hey?
MANGAN. No. I can't say that. Fifty thousand, perhaps.
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. His half brother only [he turns away from Mangan with his usual abruptness, and collects the empty tea-cups on the Chinese tray].
MANGAN [irritated]. See here, Captain Shotover. I don't quite understand my position here. I came here on your daughter's invitation. Am I in her house or in yours?
CAPTAIN SHOTOVER. You are beneath the dome of heaven, in the house of God. What is true within these walls is true outside them. Go out on the seas; climb the mountains; wander through the valleys. She is still too young.
MANGAN [weakening]. But I'm very little over fifty.