推荐序2 See the past, present and be the future yourself
Vitalik Buterin Founder of Ethereum
When I first discovered blockchain technology through Bitcoin in 2011, it took some time for me to realize the full potential. Like many others at the time, the aspect that stood out to me the most was Bitcoin the currency - a currency which I initially rejected as doomed to failure, as it was not backed by anything and had no underlying value. After hearing about it again a few weeks later, I realized that there was genuine potential, and so I started actively exploring, reading, earning, spending, and writing about Bitcoin. However, it took until visiting the blockchain community in Israel in late 2013 before I saw the fundamental truth that would eventually guide me to creating Ethereum: it was Bitcoin's underlying technology, the blockchain, that was the larger story, and it has applications that stretch far beyond peer-to-peer currency. Crowdfunding, insurance, financial contracts, identity management, supply chains, land registries and many more applications could be affected, and someone, somewhere comes up with a new way that blockchain technology can improve our lives every week.
Decentralization and cryptography, two fundamental building blocks of Bitcoin and Ethereum-like systems, are not new. Decentralized networks such as BitTorrent have existed since the early 2000s, and cryptographers, mathematicians and software engineers have been working on increasingly advanced protocols in order to get stronger and stronger privacy and authenticity guarantees out of various systems, ranging from electronic cash to voting to file transfer and storage, for the last thirty years. However, the innovation of the blockchain - or, more generally, the innovation of public economic consensus - by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 proved to be the one missing piece of the puzzle that brought together both “strands” of research, and single-handedly gave the industry a giant leap forward.
The ideological environment seemed to almost snap into place: the great financial crisis in 2008 spurred growing distrust in mainstream finance, including both corporations and the governmental institutions that are normally supposed to regulate them, and was the initial spark that drove many to seek out alternatives, and Edward Snowden's revelations in 2013 were the icing on the cake. Although so far blockchain technologies specifically have not seen mainstream adoption as a result, the underlying spirit of decentralization, and building applications that put the user in charge, to a substantial degree has: applications ranging from Apple's phones to WhatsApp have started building in forms of encryption that are so strong that even the company writing the software and managing the servers cannot break it. On another side, the advent of “sharing economy 1.0” is increasingly showing signs of failure to fulfill what many had originally seen to be its promise: rather than simply cutting entrenched and oligopolistic intermediaries out, giants like Uber are simply replacing the middleman with themselves, and in some cases not particularly doing a better job of it.
Blockchains, and the umbrella of related technologies that I have collectively come to call “crypto 2.0”, provides an attractive fix: rather than simply hoping that the parties we interact with behave honorably, we build technological systems that inherently build the desired properties into the system, in such a way that it will keep functioning with the guarantees that we expect even if many of the actors involved are corrupted. All transactions would come with auditable trails of cryptographic proofs, decentralized peer-to-peer networks would be used to reduce reliance on any single server, public key cryptography could create a notion of portable user-controlled identities, and entire financial systems could be built in such a way that there is no single central party that needs to hold custody over other people's funds, and that other people need to trust not to go bankrupt, try to cheat them, or run away with their funds.More advanced kinds of math, including ring signatures, homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs, would to guarantee privacy, allowing users to put all of their data in the open in such a way that certain properties of it can be verified, and even computed on, but without actually revealing any private details.
What has impressed me the most about the last five years is just how far the technology has come, and how far the industry has evolved. From 2010 to 2013, there was a lot of excitement about the technology and its potential, and there were many startups being formed to try to build something on it. However, the technology was still in its early phase, and discussion about practical applications was rare; many startups would literally include as part of their pitch deck to venture capital firms an assumption that the bitcoin price would increase by a factor of four every year, and in some cases that was the closest thing to a business model that these companies had to speak of. In 2014, that model suddenly, but inevitably, began to falter, as the price went in the exact opposite direction to the three years before, and so entrepreneurs looking to change the world with blockchain technology began to look to a radical new strategy to earn their revenue: finding actual use cases, and working with actual customers and traditional enterprise to try to bring those applications from a concept in their heads, to a proof-of-concept written in code, and finally to a product that would be used by millions of people. And it is not just startups that are getting involved;despite the anti-bank sentiment of many of the technology's earliest advocates, today it is the banks that are among the most prominent developers of blockchain applications. Blockchain technology is growing up, and is finally coming of age.
Personally, at my age of 22, I do not have decades of experience in any industry, except perhaps the twelve years which I have spent writing code, the first six of which largely consisted of writing computer games that I would later spend thousands of hours playing myself; hence, I am not the person who will be working out the finer details of how blockchain-based timestamping can improve transparency in the supply chain, or how smart contracts can simplify the archaic processes that are currently being used in trade finance, or how decentralized clearing networks based on consortium chains can create a more egalitarian and efficient alternative to the central clearing parties that dominate many financial markets today.
Rather, the contribution that I aimed to make to society with Ethereum is the opposite: create a highly generalized platform that includes a highly flexible programming language, and so can be employed for any application in any industry with maximum ease. We would deal with the challenge of making the underlying blockchain layer as scalable, efficient, generalized and secure as possible, giving application developers the freedom to focus on building the business logic of their application itself. At the time that I originally came up with the idea for Ethereum, I expected that it would fail; it seemed too good to be true, and so I thought that within a week I would get five smart cryptographers replying back to the email containing my whitepaper, explaining to me some very good mathematical reasons why it could not work. And yet, that never happened; instead, after a year and eight months of development, the project launched, and the blockchain has been running smoothly ever since, with thousands of users, tens of thousands of transactions per day and over a hundred applications either under development or already deployed.
The concept that Clearmatics CEO Robert Sams so correctly summarizes as“decentralized automation” - not just a decentralized ledger that would store the final result of processes that are otherwise centralized, but a process re-engineering effort where the entire lifecycle of a financial trade, or a land ownership record, or an identity record, could be run on a decentralized platform, stands the chance to reduce greatly what Ronald Coase has called “transaction costs” - the bureaucratic and economic costs of managing an interaction, figuring out the details of the legal contract, making sure that the counterparty is trustworthy, and recording the results, that are the reason why so many people today prefer to instead interact by congregating into large, centralized firms. As a result, we may see an economy in the 21st century that in some ways resembles that of the 18th: one where, instead of a single company selling insurance as a product, we insure each other, instead of a central party clearing financial trades and payment transactions, such operations are conducted directly peer-to-peer, and even functions such as evaluating creditworthiness and reputation, quality control, and tracking property rights are done in a much more decentralized way - but at the same time, where the extreme efficiencies of 21st century information technology mean that we can have the benefits of running our society in this way without many of the costs.
(Clearmatics的CEO Robert Sams将这个概念很正确地总结为“去中心自动化”——不仅仅是一个用于存储过程结果的去中心化的账本,而是一个经过过程重构了的多用途去中心化平台。它通过去中心化所重构的过程包含了金融交易的全流程、土地所有权登记的全流程以及身份记录的全过程。经过它的过程重构将实现Ronald Coase所谓的“交易费”的大大削减,而这“交易费”指的是为了明晰法律合同的细节、确保对手方的可信、记录各种结果所进行的官僚化的管理互动而产生的经济开支。也因此,人们比起与聚集化、中心化的大公司互动,更愿意选择一个去中心化的互动模式。结果就是,我们或许能够看到21世纪的经济形态更像18世纪的组织形态:一种以互相担保而取代单一公司出售保险产品;以点对点的交易形式取代第三方中心化清算金融交易和支付;甚至于以一种更为去中心化的方式来评价信任度和名誉、完成质量控制、实现产权跟踪。而同时,21世纪信息技术的极度高效也意味着我们能够以很低的消耗来实现这样的社会形态。)
Of course, it is decidedly not the case that absolutely every industry will become more decentralized, or even that those industries that will become more decentralized will do so through blockchain technology specifically. Every industry is its own special case, and it is, for example, hard to see how the construction of a billion-dollar rocket going to Mars could be economically managed by a decentralized automaton or smart contract running on Ethereum. However, the possibilities are many, and 2016 is the year where the initial proof of concepts for real-world use cases are starting to be developed and tested. 2017 will be the year where, just as is the case in any industry, over two thirds of them will inevitably fail, but the remaining third will be expanded further into real-world applications reaching millions of users - and that is when the next phase will begin.
I hope that you enjoy reading about the past, present and future of what blockchain technology has to offer, and that this book will inspire you to become part of that future yourself.
April 24th 2016