This book focuses on reviewing and analyzing the individualized content of rethinking the theory of historical materialism by analytical Marxism, ecological Marxism, world -system Marxism, cultural Marxism, and post -Marxism, which are active in Anglo-American contexts. This book follows the method of“the unity of general and individual”, to analysis the spiritual path, research methods, theoretical characteristics and academic impact of Anglo -American scholars ‘rethinking of historical materialism on a general level; And to analysis five kinds of thoughts which rethink the individualized content of historical materialism on a specific level. This book claims that the work of rethinking histori-cal materialism in Anglo-American contexts promoted Habermas' advocation of“reconstruction of historical materialism”to a new stage, a new state and a new level which added rich new contents to the Anglo-American scholars'work in the 1970s. And it also provided a beneficial academic resource for us to inno-vate the historical materialism theory in a certain sense.