2.9 Communication Strategies Based on Business and Corporate Strategies
Integrating models developed in 2.5 and 2.8, the following cross cultural communication strategies are developed as indicated in Fig. 2.4.
2.9.1 Global Information Leadership Strategy for Communication
This strategy intends to implement cost leadership strategy worldwide. It adopts the same standard to carry out all business activities. In other words, it adopts the global standardization strategy. Correspondingly, the communication strategy should be formulated in accordance with information strategic model. The information strategy in communication process is one-way controlled process and message should be coded with denotative and superficial meanings. These explicit meaning is intended to provide adequate information for the audience to help them to make a decision. This strategy requires that the organization formulate an overall strategy with simply yet understandable text which provides adequate information. At the same time, the audience can understand this text message and can decode them while seeking for the information they want. Such strategy formulated hereby is defined as global information leadership strategy.

Fig. 2.4 Integrating Model of Communication Strategies and Business and Corporate Strategies
The global information leadership strategy sends out information on products to audience in global market. It tries to let the information reach all audience in global target market. It focuses on explicit expression of the superficial linguistic meaning of text. It also requires that the encoded information should be of high degree of objectivity. The success of this strategy depends on the understandability of the lingual meaning and objective information among a variety of audience from diverse cultural background. It also depends on effective headquarter control on developing unified information strategies which are accessible to audience in all countries.
2.9.2 Persuasive Communication Strategy for National Differentiation
The communication strategy for national differentiating persuasion is driven by national differentiation business strategy. When businesses adopt differentiation business strategies in different countries, the businesses provide unique products and services to consumers in different countries. Consumers thus should understand how unique these different products and services are. The communication strategy should persuade the audience to understand and accept the uniqueness and special characteristics of these products and services through advertising and public relations, providing unique services, offering opportunities to experience and employing new technologies. The communication should be directed to audience in one specific country in a radioactive manner. The language should express the connotative meaning which embodies the unique information about the specialty of the products and services. However such information is subjective in essence because the senders of information make their own subjective judgment about how the alien consumers perceive the differentiate characteristics of the products and services, and select the language style which is effective to convey such uniqueness and differentiate characteristics. The communication is obviously one way directed with clear target audiences. It has clear communicative objectives and contact the audience consumers actively involving in communication process so that the one-way directed information can be communicated among target audience simultaneously. The connotation of the lingual information which is controlled to direct toward one way intends to persuade the audience to accept such unique products and encourage them to make purchase decision. This process follows the persuasive communication strategies. Thus, such communication strategy is defined as persuasive communication strategy for national differentiation.
2.9.3 Communication Strategy for Dialogue between Cultures
The previous mentioned communication strategies are one way controlled. However, communication is round way operations, i.e., there is feedback from target audience. The communicators have thus to encode the feedback lingual text to find out the implied meaning and make response to the feedback. In this way, there formulated a dialogue communication strategy. If the communicators are separated between different states with diverse culture background, this dialogue communication strategy called communication strategy for dialogue between cultures.
In order to implement transnational business strategies, the businesses need to collect solutions to relevant issues to formulate effective transnational business strategies. This communication strategies is adopted in the first phrase of open interactive policy making, i.e., to explore and confirm strategic issues. This communication strategy is often adopted in the global crises communication and develops public relations. It also commonly used inter-organization.
2.9.4 Communication Strategies for Constructing Consensus between Cultures
When two-way communication strategies are adopted to achieve consensus among people from different cultures, it is very effective to solve conflicts between different groups of interest, between groups of different cultures. The negotiating communication strategy is a typical communication strategy for constructing consensus between cultures. See Fig. 2.3.