List 4

0296 auto [ˈɔːtəʊ]
n. 汽车
例 In the 1950s, a young man would have found it much easier than it is today to get and keep a job in the auto industry. 在20世纪50年代,年轻人会发现在汽车行业找到并保住一份工作比现在要容易得多。
0297 automobile [ˈɔːtəməbiːl]
n. 汽车
例 A century ago, there was hardly any machine-building industry in China, leave alone an automobile industry. 一个世纪以前,中国几乎没有机器制造业,更不用说汽车制造业了。
0298 major [ˈmeɪdʒə]
adj. 主要的
例 F&C Motors, a major auto company, for example, is holding a press conference next week.举例来说,F&C汽车公司(一家主要的汽车公司)将在下周举行媒体见面会。
0299 upper [ˈʌpə]
adj. 上面的
例 In terms of class, digital divide exists among different types of workers and between the upper and middle classes and the lower class. 从阶级的角度讲,数字鸿沟存在于不同类型的工作者当中,也存在于中上层社会与下层社会之间。
0300 blank [blæŋk]
adj. 空白的
n. 空格;空白
例 When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. 当短文读到第二遍时,你需要用你刚刚所听到的单词填空。
0301 storage [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ]
n. 存储,存储区
例 The stress hormones can help nerve cells handle information and put it into storage. 应激激素能够帮助神经细胞处理信息并把信息放入存储区。
0302 couch [kaʊtʃ]
n. 沙发
例 Most of us sit at a desk all day at work, and sit on a couch or at a computer when we get home in the evenings. 我们大多数人每天上班时在办公桌前一坐就是一天,晚上回到家后又坐在沙发上或电脑前。
0303 salary [ˈsæləri]
n. 薪水,工资
例 I have to be tolerant of customers because they pay my salary, and that’s something I can’t afford to forget. 我不得不容忍顾客,因为他们支付了我的工资,这是我不能忘记的事情。
0304 muscle [ˈmʌsl]
n. 1 肌肉 2 体力
例 Tomorrow’s wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge, and individuals entering the workforce offer their knowledge not their muscles. 未来的财富取决于知识的发展和交流,个人进入职场贡献的是他们的知识而不是体力。
0305 mineral [ˈmɪnərəl]
n. 矿物质
例 This isn’t just plain water. This is mineral water from Tibet. 这不是普通的饮用水,这是来自西藏的矿泉水。
0306 unclear [ˌʌnˈklɪə]
adj. 不清楚的
例 The most basic details were unclear and confusing. 最基本的细节都不清楚并且令人困惑。
0307 weigh [weɪ]
v. 1 称重;有…重 2 认真考虑,权衡
例 Finally, the headmaster addressed self-respect and the notion that a person’s sense of beauty must include more than how much a person weighs. 最后,校长谈到了自我尊重,并谈到影响一个人的美感的因素远不止体重。
0308 finding [ˈfaɪndɪŋ]
n. 发现
例 The findings of the study go against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls. 该研究的发现与固有看法相悖,人们之前普遍认为男孩在与女孩一同学习时表现更佳。
0309 nevertheless [ˌnevəðəˈles]
adv. 尽管如此
例 The lively discussions spurred Maura to make small but nevertheless life altering changes. 这些热烈的讨论促使毛拉做出尽管很小但却改变人生的改变。
0310 discussion [dɪˈskʌʃn]
n. 讨论,商议
例 Later today, the Prime Minister will lead a roundtable discussion with principals and school teachers from across the country. 今天晚些时候,总理会和来自全国各地的校长以及教师进行圆桌会谈。
0311 meanwhile [ˈmiːnwaɪl]
adv. 同时
例 A study found that 85%of new fathers take some time off after the birth of a child—but for all but a few, it’s a week or two at most. Meanwhile, the average for women who take leave is more than 10 weeks. 研究发现,85%的新生儿父亲会在孩子出生后请假一段时间,但是绝大多数人的假期最多只有一两周。同时,女性在生产之后的平均请假时间都超过10周。
0312 pace [peɪs]
n. 节奏,步调
例 You can clearly see how your pace affects your life and now you just have to build your life based on the right speed. 你可以清楚地看到你的生活节奏对你的生活有怎样的影响,现在你就必须以适当的速度去安排你的生活。
0313 package [ˈpækɪdʒ]
n. 包裹,包装
v. 将…包装好
例 Use a general description of the company such as“Major auto manufacturer,”or“International packaged goods supplier.” 用一个通用的说法来描述公司,比如“主要汽车制造商”或“国际包装商品供应商”。
0314 readily [ˈredɪli]
adv. 容易地
例 Although nutrients from animals may be of higher quality or more readily absorbed than vegetable sources, it is possible to have a healthy vegetarian diet. 尽管与蔬菜中的营养成分相比,来自动物体内的养分可能质量更高或更易吸收,但拥有一个健康的素食膳食也是可能的。
0315 grand [grænd]
adj. 宏大的
例 All these works had an imagination and depth that could have taken us to grand opera for every one of them. 所有这些作品都让人充满想象,很有思想深度,足以给我们带来一场大型歌剧。
0316 lower [ˈləʊə]
v. 降低
例 To help lower costs, IBM offers flexible virtualisation license costs, where you pay only for the number of virtual resources that you have deployed. 为了帮助降低成本,IBM公司提供灵活的虚拟化许可证费用机制,您只需根据您使用的虚拟资源数量付费即可。
0317 sometime [ˈsʌmtaɪm]
adv. 在某个时候
adj. 从前的
例 The man can come back sometime later. 那位男士可能稍后回来。
0318 audience [ˈɔːdɪəns]
n. 受众;听众;观众
例 Because you can’t drive a car and watch television at the same time, rush hour became radio’s prime time, while music, talk, and news radio greatly enlarged their audiences. 因为开车的时候不能看电视,所以高峰时间成了广播的黄金时段,音乐、访谈和新闻广播极大地扩大了它们的听众群体。
0319 per [pɜː]
prep. 每个
例 The average teen consumes about 300 calories per day from sweetened drinks. 普通青少年每天从含糖饮料中摄入约300卡路里的热量。
0320 wildlife [ˈwaɪldlaɪf]
n. 野生动物
例 Hunters are barred from wildlife sanctuaries. 野生动物保护区内禁止狩猎。
0321 range [reɪndʒ]
n. 范围;系列
v. (~ from A to B)包括(从…到…)之间的各类事物
例 The government is proposing to put on a new range of taxes to pay for social services. 政府正提议征收一系列新税,以支付社会服务事务的开支。
0322 crop [krɒp]
n. 农作物
例 Rice, wheat, corn and soybeans are the four most important crops. 水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆是四种主要农作物。
0323 click [klɪk]
v. / n. 1 (发)出咔嗒声 2 点击
例 I clicked on the link to the next page of the website where I saw the horrible news. 我点击链接进入了网站的下一页,在那看到了这个可怕的消息。
0324 exchange [ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ]
v. 交换
例 During the marriage ceremony, the new couple usually exchange rings that represent the idea that their union will continue forever. 婚礼上,新郎新娘通常会交换戒指,代表他们的结合将天长地久。
0325 talent [ˈtælənt]
n. 1 天赋 2 人才
例 Due to chronic personnel shortages, many companies are searching beyond their home borders for talent. 由于长时间的人员紧缺,许多公司都跨出国门去寻找人才。
0326 talented [ˈtæləntɪd]
adj. 才华横溢的;天才的
例 In a straightforward sense, a critic must be more talented than the artist she critiques. 直截了当地说,一个评论家必须比她所评论的艺术家更有才华。
0327 farmland [ˈfɑːmlænd]
n. 农田
例 With growing concern about the security of food supply and the signs of an emerging global land grab, the attraction of farmland as an investment is clear. 随着社会对食品供应的安全越来越关注以及全球争夺土地的迹象日益明显,耕地作为投资对象的吸引力是显而易见的。
0328 length [leŋθ]
n. 长度
例 The length of the workday, for many workers, is defined by time. 对于许多工人而言,工作日的长度是以时间来度量的。
0329 lengthen [ˈleŋθən]
v. (使)延长,伸长
例 There’s no proof that shortening sleep will lengthen life. 还没有证据能证明缩短睡眠时间能够延长寿命。
0330 lengthy [ˈleŋθi]
adj. 长时间的;冗长的
例 Once out of a job, older workers are more likely to have a lengthy process finding another one. 一旦失业,年龄较大的工人往往会花很长时间才能找到下一份工作。
0331 beg [beg]
v. 乞讨
例 There are thousands like him in Los Angeles, begging on the streets and sleeping rough. 在洛杉矶有数以千计像他这样的人,沿街乞讨,露宿街头。
0332 unknown [ʌnˈnəʊn]
adj. 未知的
例 Some parts of Shakespeare’s life will always remain unknown. 莎士比亚的一部分生活人们将永远无法了解。
0333 wedding [ˈwedɪŋ]
n. 婚礼
例 The period of engagement is the time between the marriage proposal and the wedding ceremony. 订婚期是介于求婚和婚礼之间的时期。
0334 gain [geɪn]
v. 获得
例 There are people who have had cancers detected by routine screening, and gained several extra years of life because of treatment. 有人通过定期筛查检测出癌症,并且由于接受了治疗而延长了几年的生命。
0335 marketplace [ˈmɑːkɪtpleɪs]
n. 集市,市场
例 With a boom in e-book sales, physical books will surely become much rarer in the marketplace. 随着电子书销量的剧增,实体书必将在市场上越来越少见。
0336 total [ˈtəʊtl]
n. 总额
adj. 总的,全部的
例 The total shipment will be invoiced to you at 10%below export list prices. 全部货物将按低于出口商品价格10%来开发票给你。
0337 totally [ˈtəʊtəli]
adv. 完全
例 The washing machine is totally beyond repair. 这台洗衣机完全修不好了。
0338 mainly [ˈmeɪnli]
adv. 主要
例 The passage is mainly about how to cope with stress effectively. 这篇文章主要是关于如何有效地应对压力。
0339 warmth [wɔːmθ]
n. 温暖
例 Like fireplaces, books induce a sense of comfort and warmth. 就如同壁炉,书籍令人感到舒适和温暖。
0340 damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ]
v. / n. 损害;伤害;破坏
例 If you suspect frostbite, get out of the cold immediately and slowly warm the affected area—
but don’t rub it since that can damage your skin. 如果你怀疑自己被冻伤了,要立即离开寒冷的地方并慢慢地捂热受冻的区域——但不要去揉搓它,因为那样会损伤你的皮肤。
0341 grader [ˈgreɪdə]
n. 1 …年级学生 2 阅卷人
例 The automated assessment technology is sometimes used to double check the work of human graders. 自动评分技术有时被用来复查人工阅卷者的工作。
0342 weakness [ˈwiːknəs]
n. 1 弱点 2 软弱,虚弱
例 Along with his strength, he had an uncanny ability to spot and exploit any weakness in an opponent. 除了力量优势,他还有一种非同寻常的能力,能发现并利用对手的任何弱点。
0343 weaken [ˈwiːkən]
v. 削弱
例 Some experts argue that the link between lower oil prices and global economic growth has weakened. 一些专家认为,油价降低与全球经济增长之间的联系已有所减弱。
0344 score [skɔː]
n. 分数
v. 得分
例 We found that those who call themselves lucky score higher on the personality factor of extraversion. 我们发现,那些声称自己幸运的人在外向型性格方面得分更高。
0345 soldier [ˈsəʊldʒə]
n. 士兵
例 Describing her husband as “a born soldier” and “an inspiration”, she said: “I know he led from the front and would not have had it any other way.” 她形容她的丈夫是一位“天生的战士”,并且“擅于鼓舞士气”,她说:“我知道他一定会身先士卒,绝不会退缩。”
0346 possibility [ˌpɒsɪˈbɪlɪtɪ]
n. 可能性
例 The study raises the possibility that dieting is bad for your health. 该项研究提出了一种新的可能性——节食可能损害健康。
0347 possibly [ˈpɒsɪbli]
adv. 可能
例 Educating girls quite possibly yields a higher rate of return than any other investment available in the developing world. 在发展中国家,允许女孩接受教育很可能比任何其他投资都产生更高的回报率。
0348 pain [peɪn]
n. 1 痛苦 2 疼痛
例 They feel extreme mental or physical pain without drugs. 如果没有药物,他们会感到精神上或身体上极端的疼痛。
0349 painful [ˈpeɪnfʊl]
adj. 痛苦的
例 Only a few remember what life was like before, and who has always been there in the most painful situations. 只有少数人记得以前的生活是什么样的,记得在最痛苦的遭遇下是谁陪伴共同度过的。
0350 corn [kɔːn]
n. 玉米
例 Yield growth has been lower in wheat and rice than in corn and soybeans. 小麦和水稻的产量增长一直低于玉米和大豆。
0351 heat [hiːt]
n. 高温;温度
v. 加热;(使)变暖
例 About 35 per cent of the heat taken in by the oceans during the industrial era now resides at a depth of more than 700 meters, the researchers found. 研究人员发现,工业时代海洋所吸收的35%的热量都滞留在了海平面下700多米处。
0352 heater [ˈhiːtə]
n. 加热器
例 Tankless water heaters only heat water when it is needed, instead of keeping a reserve of water at a constant temperature. 无水箱热水器只在需要的时候对水进行加热,而不是将一定量的水储存在恒温状态。
0353 failure [ˈfeɪljə]
n. 失败
例 Failure is mother to success as it can strengthen one’s will. 失败是成功之母,因为失败能增强一个人的意志。
0354 whenever [wenˈevə]
conj. 无论何时
例 People were then encouraged to use short words whenever possible. 后来鼓励人们尽量使用短小的词汇。
0355 dust [dʌst]
n. 灰尘;尘土
v. 拂去灰尘
例 When was the last time you dusted the apartment? 你最后一次打扫公寓是什么时候?
0356 choice [tʃɔɪs]
n. 选择
例 Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. 在做选择之前请仔细阅读短文。
0357 item [ˈaɪtəm]
n. 条目;(新闻等的)一条;一件商品
例 I also saw that news item in the Sunday Times. 我在《星期日泰晤士报》上也看到了那条新闻。
0358 arrival [əˈraɪvəl]
n. 1 到达 2 到来者
例 There is not enough money to build adequate houses for the people that live there, let alone the new arrivals. 尚且没有足够的资金给当地居民建造足够的房屋,更不用说新来的人了。
0359 data [ˈdeɪtə]
n. 数据,资料
例 Roberts has spent much of his working life collating the data on which the study was based.罗伯茨有很大一部分工作时间是在核对研究所依据的数据。
0360 midnight [ˈmɪdnaɪt]
n. 午夜
例 In a heat wave we choose a midnight birthday party and that is the most exciting of all. 天气炎热时,我们便选择在午夜举办生日聚会,这种聚会是最令人激动的。
0361 course [kɔːs]
n. 1 进程 2 课程,讲座
例 Graduates today may be called upon to play many different roles over the course of their careers. 现代的大学毕业生在未来的职业生涯中可能会被要求扮演许多不同的角色。
0362 furthermore [ˌfɜːðəˈmɔː]
adv. 而且;此外
例 Today, given the job losses of the past year, fewer unhappy couples will risk starting separate households. Furthermore, the housing market meltdown will make it more difficult for them to finance their separations by selling their homes. 今天,鉴于过去一年的失业率,更少有生活不幸福的夫妇会冒险选择分开另组家庭了。此外,房地产市场的崩溃也使他们更难以通过出售房子来支撑离婚。
0363 friendliness [ˈfrendlinis]
n. 友好
例 Scientists believe that personality characteristics such as friendliness, shyness and fears are probably inherited. 科学家认为,诸如友好、羞怯和恐惧这样的性格特征可能是遗传的。
0364 workplace [ˈwɜːkpleɪs]
n. 工作场所
例 As our workplaces get more diverse, it is becoming essential to expand our understanding of others and to reexamine some of our false assumptions. 随着工作场所的多样化,增进我们对他人的理解、重新审视我们的一些错误观念变得很有必要。
0365 enable [ɪˈneɪbl]
v. 使…能够
例 Americans’ valuing time enables them to be extremely productive, and productivity itself is highly valued in America. 美国人珍视时间这一点使得他们极其高效,而且在美国,效率本身就是很受重视的。
0366 situation [ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn]
n. 情况,形势
例 The manager has obviously not recognised the seriousness of the present situation. 很明显,经理还没有意识到目前形势的严重性。
0367 tip [tɪp]
n. 1 小窍门 2 小费
例 Don’t forget to add in the tip. 别忘了把小费也算上。
0368 touch [tʌtʃ]
v. 碰;触摸
n. 触摸;触觉;触感
例 How we express ourselves through language also reflects the linkage between what we touch and what we think. 我们如何用语言表达自己,也能反映出我们所接触的事物与内心想法之间的联系。
0369 deeply [ˈdiːpli]
adv. 深刻地,深深地
例 Children are believed to have the ability to become deeply absorbed in something, and derive intense pleasure from that absorption. 人们相信,孩子有一种能够深入专注于某事并从这种专注中获得极大乐趣的能力。
0370 deepen [ˈdiːpən]
v. 加深;加剧
例 What has helped deepen the divide between the well-off and the poor? 是什么加剧了富人和穷人之间的差距 ?
0371 role [rəʊl]
n. 角色
例 Junk food like French fries plays an important role in childhood obesity. 法式炸薯条之类的垃圾食品是导致儿童肥胖的一个重要因素。
0372 tower [ˈtaʊə]
n. 塔
例 There is a television tower on my way home. 我回家会路过一个电视塔。
0373 wheat [wiːt]
n. 小麦
例 The prices of wheat, corn and soybean are all high these days. 最近,小麦、玉米和大豆的价格都居高不下。
0374 hire [ˈhaɪə]
n. 雇佣,雇用
例 In Mississippi, where centres must hire one teacher for every five infants, the price of care averaged less than $5,000. 在密西西比州,育儿中心必须每五个婴儿就雇用一个护理老师,护理的价格平均不到5000美元。
0375 bucket [ˈbʌkɪt]
n. 桶
例 “When we fetch water from the tap, it will be green with some bacteria, and if you put it in the bucket, you can see there is dirt in the water.” she said. “我们从水龙头取水,水是绿色的,有一些细菌。如果把水装在桶里,能够看到水里的脏东西。” 她说。
0376 depth [depθ]
n. 深度
例 The depth of covert racism in my own profession frightens me. 我所从事的职业中暗藏着如此深的种族主义偏见,这让我感到惊骇。
0377 deed [diːd]
n. 行为
例 The doer of a good deed can feel spiritually rewarded even when they gain no concrete benefits. 做好事的人即使没有获得实际的利益,也能从精神层面上得到回报。
0378 lack [læk]
v. / n. 缺乏,不足;短缺
例 The thing that sets children apart from adults is not their ignorance, nor their lack of skills. It’s their enormous capacity for joy. 让儿童有别于成年人的不是他们的无知和技能缺乏,而是他们巨大的快乐能力。
0379 further [ˈfɜːðə]
adj. 更远的
adv. 进一步地
例 When a new technology emerges, it will further widen the gap between the old and the young.每当有新技术面世,都会进一步加剧老年人和年轻一代的代沟。
0380 sub [sʌb]
n. 代用品,代替者
例 We had a few injuries and had to use youth team kids as subs. 我们有几名队员受伤了,只好用青年队的小队员做替补。
0381 select [sɪˈlekt]
v. 选择
adj. 精选的;优等的
例 The students can select an adviser based on shared academic interests. 学生们可以根据学术兴趣的共性选择一个导师。
0382 selection [sɪˈlekʃn]
n. 挑选,选择
例 Working parents have to face the selection of a good daycare centre. 上班族父母不得不面对如何选择一个好的日托中心的问题。
0383 selective [sɪˈlektɪv]
adj. 选择的;选择性的
例 Not all colleges offer merit aid; generally, the more selective a school, the less likely it is to do so. 并不是所有大学都提供奖学金;一般来说,一所学校的选择性越多,就越不可能提供奖学金。
0384 site [saɪt]
n. 1 地点,位置;发生地 2 网站
例 If you are considering posting your resume online, make sure the job search site you are considering has a privacy policy. 如果你正考虑在网上发布简历,那么你要确保你所考虑的求职网站有隐私保护措施。
0385 paragraph [ˈpærəgrɑːf]
n. 段落
例 We were asked to write three paragraphs in our composition. 老师要求我们的作文要写成三段。
0386 learn [lɜːn]
v. 学习;得知;认识到
例 Since I started working part-time at a grocery store, I have learned that a customer is more than someone who buys something. 自从我开始在杂货店做兼职,我认识到顾客不仅仅是一个买东西的人。
0387 historical [hɪˈstɒrɪkl]
adj. 历史的
例 Beijing is an old city with many sites of historical interest. 北京是一座有许多历史名胜的古城。
0388 historic [hɪˈstɒrɪk]
adj. 历史性的
例 We’ve achieved historic peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan that will hold up for decades. 我们已经与埃及和约旦达成了历史性的和平协议,这将会维持几十年。
0389 scan [skæn]
v. / n. 扫描
例 While the “average” male and “average” female brains were slightly different, you couldn’t tell it by looking at individual brain scans. 由于一般男性和一般女性的大脑差别很细微,你无法通过单人大脑扫描来发现区别。
0390 sense [sens]
n. 1 知觉;感觉,意识 2 理解力;判断力
v. 意识到
例 American audiences prefer natural, spontaneous delivery that conveys a lively sense of communication. 美国观众更喜欢自然的、有感而发的、给人以现实交流感的演讲风格。
0391 phrase [freɪz]
n. 词组,短语
例 We are often asked to underline the key words and phrases in the reading class. 阅读课上,老师经常要求我们划出重点词汇和短语。
0392 lately [ˈleɪtli]
adv. 最近
例 Innovation used to spill over from military and corporate laboratories to the consumer market, but lately this process has gone into reverse. 创新曾走出军事和企业实验室进入到消费市场,但最近这一过程发生了逆转。
0393 partly [ˈpɑːtli]
adv. 部分地
例 Obesity is partly caused by overeating. 导致肥胖的部分原因是饮食过量。
0394 alongside [əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd ]
prep. 1 在…旁边 2 与…一起
例 A recent study found that using sunscreen routinely, alongside other protection such as hats, long sleeves or staying in the shade, did give some protection. 最近一项研究发现,经常使用防晒霜,再配合其他防晒措施,比如戴帽子、穿长袖衣服或待在阴凉处,的确对皮肤有一定的保护作用。