Praise for The Long-Distance Leader
“Kevin Eikenberry and Wayne Turmel have teamed up to produce the single best guide on remote leadership on the market today. Based on research with real-life practicing managers, The Long-Distance Leader offers nineteen rules that guide remote leaders through the most pressing challenges they face— everything from the best use of technology, to effective long-distance coaching, to achieving goals, to building trust at a distance. And even if you aren’t a long-distance leader, at least not yet, you will definitely want to have this book handy. As the authors rightfully acknowledge and our research supports, you have to ‘think leadership first, location second.’ The engaging stories, the practical wisdom, and the reflection and action questions will help you improve your leadership wherever you and your followers are.”
—Jim Kouzes, coauthor of the bestselling The Leadership Challenge and Dean's Executive Fellow of Leadership, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
“Finally, a superb leadership book with a purpose: dealing with the challenges of long-distance leadership. A must-read for leaders of all organizations dealing with the increasing demand for and challenge of long-distance leadership. As global economies force more and more organizations to deal with this leadership challenge, this book provides a well-thought-out and practical guide you will want all your leaders to inculcate.”
—Major General David Ralston (US Army, Retired)
“When I discuss what a leader is with midlevel managers, this book will be on the reference list for them. They can assess themselves on the leadership skills ladder, establish goals, and work directly with their managers and mentors. I particularly like the ‘check-in’ section . I find my development participants increase their impact and performance with the knowledge they have a voice and are thought about, even though their leaders might physically see them only once a year . A practical approach to the journey of success as a remote leader . We should all consider what skill we are going to focus on today.”
—Alicia Davis, Director, Global Finance Learning and Development, Dell Inc.
“Leaders who are determined to make an impact in the fiercely complex world of the 21st century will benefit greatly from the insights and principles in the The Long-Distance Leader.”
—Doug Conant, founder and CEO, ConantLeadership; Chairman, Kellogg Executive Leadership Institute, Northwestern University; former Chairman, Avon Products; and former CEO, Campbell Soup Company
“Leadership isn’t easy. Working remotely adds a new dynamic. The practical tips in this book give readers the edge they need to be successful leading remote teams. Many teams struggle with communication; add the component that you have remote employees and it gets more difficult. The tools in this book give you what you need to be a better leader, as well as the competitive advantage to get the most out of your remote teams.”
—Marcie Van Note, MBA Director, Mount Mercy University
“Wayne and Kevin’s book offers the reader a solid foundation in leadership in any circumstance and layers it with virtual leadership or leadership at a distance. It is full of nuance and nudges that will help you navigate through the labyrinths of leading at a distance. I especially appreciated the snippets where Wayne and Kevin reveal their ways of working together; this added a very real and personal touch. I encourage you to purchase the book, study the rules, reflect on their questions, put the book into practice, and become a leader who can ‘go the distance.’”
—David Zinger, founder and host of the Employee Engagement Network
“Great book. Spot-on timewise. Moving from ‘managing’ people to ‘leading’ people has never been more relevant when overnight everything we do as a business could change. A manager manages people; a leader employs great people and trusts them to achieve amazing results.”
—Ann Andrews, CSP, author of Lessons in Leadership