1.25 [25] 景公所爱马死欲诛(圉人)〔养马者〕晏子谏
景公使(圉)人养所爱马,暴〔病〕死,公怒,令人操刀解(飬)〔养〕马者。是时晏子侍前,左右执刀而进,晏子止〔之〕,而问于公曰:“ 〔敢问古时〕尧舜支解人,从何躯始?”公(矍)〔惧〕然曰:“从寡人始。”遂不支解。公曰:“以属狱。”晏子曰:“ (此不知其罪而死),臣〔请〕为君数之,使知其罪,然后致之狱。”公曰:“可。”晏子数之曰:“尔罪有三:公使汝(飬)〔养〕马而杀之,当死罪一也;又杀公之所最善马,当死罪二也;使公以一马之故而杀人,百姓闻之,必怨吾君;诸侯闻之,必轻吾国。汝杀公马,使怨积于百姓,兵弱于邻国,当死罪三也。今以属狱。”公喟然(叹)曰:“(夫子释之)!(夫子释之)!(勿伤吾仁也)。〔赦之〕。”
Duke Jing had commissioned someone to look after his favorite horse,but the horse died after a sudden illness. The Duke was furious and ordered his men to w ield their knives and dismember the groom.
A t the time,Yanzi was in attendance before the Duke,and when the Duke’s entourage had taken hold of their knives and moved forward,Yanzi stopped them and asked the Duke: “May I ask,when Yao and Shun[2] dismembered people in ancient times,with which part of the body did they begin?”
The Duke,frightened,said: “It is I who initiated this punishment.”
And so,they did not proceed to dismember the groom.
The Duke said: “Put him in jail.”
Yanzi said: “A llow me to list his crimes for you,my Lord,so that he may know the crimes,and afterward send the man to jail.”
The Duke said: “You may.”
Yanzi listed them by saying: “Your crime is threefold. The Duke comm issioned you to groom his horse,but you let it die—this is your first capital crime. Moreover,you allowed the best horse of the Duke to die—this is your second capital crime. And if you have caused the Duke to have a person killed because of a single horse —when the people hear of it,they w ill certainly bear resentment against our Lord; when the regional princes hear of it,they w ill certainly belittle our state. By allow ing the Duke’s horse to die you w ill cause the people’s complaint against the Duke to grow and our m ilitary strength to be w eakened w ith respect to the neighboring states —this is your third capital crime. But now,because of this,you w ill be put in jail.”
The Duke sighed and said: “Pardon him.”
[1]The present Item 1.25 [25],narrates a story about an unjust capital punishment. The Item probably contains later interpolations that give the whole narrated episode a more dramatic tone. These interpolations,how ever,conflict w ith the natural flow of the sequence of events of the episode as a whole. A more concise,alternative version of the episode appears in Shuoyuan,9.16/72/14. It includes several lines that are marked in round brackets for deletion in the present ICS text of the YZCQ. These lines give the entire item a more consistent form and indeed seem to be integral to the original p lot. They read: “Duke Jing had a horse. His groom let it die. The Duke was furious,took up his spear,and w anted to strike him him self. Yanzi said: ‘If you do this,then he w ill die w ithout know ing his crimes. May I list them,for you,my Lord,to make him realize his crimes,and then kill him?’ Duke Jing said: ‘Agreed.’Yanzi lifted the spear and,standing in front of the stableman,said: ‘You groomed the horse for our Lord and you let it die—this crime deserves death. You make our Lord kill a stableman because of a horse—this crime again deserves death. You made our Lord kill a person because of a horse and let this become known to the four neighboring principalities—your crime again deserves death.’ The Duke said: ‘Master,please release him,please release him,do not let my humaneness be injured.’”
[2]The legendary model emperors Yao and Shun of the Golden Age of Chinese antiquity,traditionally assumed to have reigned in the second half of the third millennium BCE.