B1/B2 visaB1/B2签证(美)
A visa for short-term visitors who are coming to the United States usually for duration of 3 months or less.One may not legally work in the United States on this visa.指来美国期间不多于3个月的短期访问人员的签证。持有此类签证人员不能在美国进行合法的工作。
background check背景调查;审核背景
The process during which visa office checks applicant's background.Different aspects may be checked,including the information provided in application itself as well as information contained in supporting documents.Backg-round checks are usually being done close to the final stage of case review;this process can take from weeks to months depending on current load and nature of checks being performed.签证处对申请人背景调查的程序。调查是多方面的,包括申请中的信息以及支持材料中包含的信息。背景调查通常在个案复审的最后阶段进行;这一过程要持续几周或几个月不等的时间,主要取决于日前的工作以及调查的性质。
baggage check行李票
It means the ticket for one's baggage.指某人的行李票。
baggage claim area行李认领区
The area where one's baggage is claimed.取行李的区域。
baggage clearance行李检查
The procedure for baggage clearance are not internationally standardized.Customs authori-ties of each country follow independently-drafted regulations.Often these regulations differ for one or more of the airports a country may have.Baggage is cleared at the first airport of entry or at the airport of final destination within one country(under certain circums-tances not at all).Usually the travel circums-tances of a passenger determine the place of clearance,e.g.baggage of an arriving passenger can be cleared,while baggage of a passenger in transit is not.行李检查的程序国际上无统一标准。各国的海关机构按照各自的法规进行检查。通常各机场执行的法规也不尽相同。行李检查是在一国(情形不同)第一入境机场或最后目的地机场进行。通常,旅客的旅程情形决定检查之场所,如入境旅客的行李要受到检查而对过境人员的不进行检查。
The release,prior to trial,of a person accused of a crime,under specified conditions designed to assure that person's appearance in court when required.在审判前,根据确保受指控人员能够按时出庭有条件的将其释放。
bail revocation撤销保释
The court's cancellation of bail previously granted to a criminal defendant.法院撤销先前对刑事被告授予的保释。
Bali Process巴厘进程
Bali Process brings participants together to work on practical measures to help combat people smuggling,trafficking in persons and related transnational crimes in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.Initiated at the “Regional Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling,Trafficking in Persons and Related Transn-ational Crime” held in Bali in February 2002,the Bali Process follow-up is a collaborative effort participated in by over fifty countries and numerous international agencies.旨在使参与者一道致力于打击人口走私、人口贩运及在亚太地区内外相关的跨国犯罪的具体措施。该项工作始于2002年2月在巴厘举行的“关于人口走私、人口贩运及相关跨国犯罪地区部长级会议”,巴厘进程的后续行动有50多个国家和众多的国际机构参加协作。
To prohibit.禁令。
banking secrecy银行保密
Bank secrecy(or bank privacy)is a legal requirement in some jurisdictions which prohibits banks providing to authorities personal and account information about their customers, except in certain conditions, such as if a criminal complaint has been filed. 银行保密(或银行私密)是某些司法管辖中的法律要求,禁止银行向当局提供有关其客户的个人与账户信息,某些情况除外,如已经提交刑事诉讼。相关词语 organised crime(有组织犯罪)
bar code条形码
A means of storing data as a pattern of lines or dots.一种以线或点组成的图案储存数据的手段。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部第二章第4条)
basic pay or wages基本报酬或工资
Basic pay or wages means the pay,however composed,for normal hours of work;it does not include payments for overtime worked,bonuses,allowances,paid leave or any other additional remuneration 基本报酬或工资一词系指正常工作时间的报酬,无论这一报酬如何构成;它不包括加班报酬、奖金、津贴、带薪休假或任何其他额外酬劳。(海事劳工公约导则B2.2工资)
battered or subjected to extreme cruelty受虐待的或遭受极端虐待
The standard of abuse that an abused immigrant must meet to be considered a qualified immigrant.It includes,for example,being the victim of any act or threatened act of violence,such as any forceful detentions,which results in physical or mental injury.Psychological or sexual abuse or exploitation,including intimidation,threats,rape,or forced prostitution are considered acts of violence.Other abusive actions may also be acts of violence.Acts,or threatened acts that,in and of themselves,may not initially appear violent may be part of an overall pattern of violence.符合条件的移民受虐待的标准包括例如,暴力行为或受到暴力行为的威胁,使用暴力拘押,其结果导致身体或精神方面伤害的受害者。心理或性虐待或剥削,包括恐吓、威胁、强奸、或强迫卖淫等都被视为暴力行为。其他虐待行为也可为暴力行为。就行为或威胁行为而言,可能不会出现明显的暴力,但也成为暴力总模式的一部分。
battered immigrant受虐待的移民
See battered or subjected to extreme cruelty.见受虐待的或遭受极端虐待。
Backlog Reduction Center(BRC)劳工卡审批中心(BRC)(美)
An office established by the Department of Labor to process and eliminate the backlog of labor certification applications filed throughout the United States prior to March 28,2005.There are two BRCs,located in Philadelphia and Dallas.劳工部设立的办事机构,处理2005年3月28日之前美国各地积压的劳工证申请。有两个办事处分设在费城和达拉斯。
be bound应该
To be obliged.有义务;必须。
The master of the vessel from which any person has disembarked before disembarkation has been authorized by an immigration officer shall be bound to re-embark that person and any master refusing to re-embark the person shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.在船长未得到移民官员授权可以下船时,下船的任何人都应重新登船,拒不重新登船是违反本法的犯罪行为。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第20(3)条)
be charged with被指控
To be accused of.受到指控。
A proceeding in respect of an offence under this Act may be instituted,tried and determined at the place in Canada where the offence was committed or at the place in Canada where the person charged with the offence is or has an office or place of business at the time of the institution of those proceedings.根据本法,在加拿大某地犯下的罪行,或在提起上述诉讼之时,受到指控的该人员在加拿大该地拥有办事机构或营业地点,对于有关犯罪行为可提起、审理并终结诉讼。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第136(1)条)
Where the master of any vessel is charged with an offence against this Act,the clearance of the vessel may be refused until the charge has been heard and the fine imposed,if any,has been paid.当船长受到违反本法犯罪指控时,只有对指控进行听证并交付罚金后,船只才可以结关。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第56(3)条)
be deemed被视为;被认为
To be thought,considered.被认为、被看做。
If a foreigner who is legally resident in the Federal territory and does not possess a residence title applies for issuance of a residence title,his or her residence shall be deemed to be permitted up to the time of the decision by the foreigners authority.If the application is filed late,deportation shall be deemed to be suspended from the time of application up to the time of the decision by the foreigners authority.若在联邦境内合法居留且未拥有居留身份的外国人申请居留,其居留起始时间应为外国人管理局作出决定时。如果提出的申请超过法定期限,在申请提出时至外国人管理局作出决定时为止的这段时间应视为暂缓驱逐。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第81(3)条)
Each of the offences to which this article applies shall be deemed to be included as an extraditable offence in any extradition treaty existing between States Parties.States Parties undertake to include such offences as extraditable offences in every extradition treaty to be concluded between them.本条适用的各项犯罪均应视为缔约国之间现行的任何引渡条约中的可引渡的犯罪。各缔约国承诺将此种犯罪作为可引渡的犯罪列入它们之间拟缔结的每一项引渡条约。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第16(3)条)
be delegated to委派给他人;交给他人去做
To give an assignment to a person to a post,or assign a task to(a person).将任务交给某人或指派某人到某个职位,或将任务指派给(某人)
The Chairperson may delegate any of his or her powers under this Act to a member of the Board,other than a member of the Immigration Division,except that powers in relation to the Immigration Division may only be delegated to the Director General,directors or members of that Division.根据本法,主席可将其权力委托给委员会任一成员,而不是移民法庭的成员,有关移民法庭的权力只可交与移民法庭的庭长、主任或其他成员。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第159(2)条)
In order to achieve the objectives set out in subsection(l),the Department shall(j)train its investigative unit to detect illegal foreigners,monitor compliance with the terms and conditions of permits,control borders and perform any other function under this Act or which may be delegated to it.为了实现在第(1)款中设定的目标,移民部应:(j)依据此法案或相关代表法案对侦查违法外国人员的调查机构进行培训、监督符合入境许可的条款和条件、控制边界或履行其他职能。(南非2002年移民法第2(2)(j)条)
be inconsistent with与…不一致
1.Not to be consistent with.2.Showing inconsistency,esp.as regards character,sentiment,or action.1.不相符。2.不一致,尤指在性格、感情或行动方面显示不一致。
In exercising their rights and performing their duties under this Convention,States Parties shall refrain from any threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State,or in any other manner inconsistent with the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.缔约国在根据本公约行使其权力和履行其义务时,应不对任何国家的领土完整或政治独立进行任何武力威胁或使用武力,或以任何其他与《联合国宪章》所载国际法原则不符的方式进行武力威胁或使用武力。(联合国海洋法公约第301条)
The Minister may make regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act for all or any of the following purposes.出于以下全部或其中任一目的,部长可以制定与本法案条款不一致的规定。(新加坡1959年移民法2008年修订本第55(1)条)
be involved in涉嫌;被牵涉到…中
1.To be engaged as a participant.2.To be connected closely and often incriminatingly.1.作为参与者从事某事。2.联系密切,通常指违法行为的联系。
Each State Party shall adopt,in accordance with fundamental principles of its domestic law,such legislative and other measures as may be necessary to establish as criminal offences,when committed intentionally:(a)(i)The conversion or transfer of property,knowing that such property is the proceeds of crime,for the purpose of concealing or disguising the illicit origin of the property or of helping any person who is involved in the commission of the predicate offence to evade the legal consequ-ences of his or her action.各缔约国均应依照其本国法律基本原则采取必要的立法及其他措施,将下列故意行为规定为刑事犯罪:(a)(i)明知财产为犯罪所得,为隐瞒或掩饰该财产的非法来源,或为协助任何参与实施上述犯罪者逃避其行为的法律后果而转换或转让财产。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第6(1)条)
In determining the issue as to which applicant involved in a conflict shall be awarded all or part of each area in conflict,the arbitral tribunal shall find a solution which is fair and equitable,having regard,with respect to each applicant involved in the conflict,to the following factors.在判决有关申请人被牵涉到冲突中的某个问题时,应就冲突中的全部或部分方面进行判定。仲裁法庭应考虑到以下因素,找到对于每位牵涉到冲突中的申请人均公正、平等的解决办法,(联合国海洋法公约附言一决议二第5(d)条)
be laid提交;提出
To present.提交。
The Minister shall cause a copy of each proposed regulation made pursuant to sections 17,32,53,61,102,116 and 150 to be laid before each House of Parliament,and each House shall refer the proposed regulation to the appropriate Committee of that House.部长须使每一项依据第17、32、53、61、102、116及150条制定的条例副本,提交给参众两院,各院应参照该院有关委员会拟定的规例。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第5.2条)
All regulations made under this section shall be published in the Gazette and shall be laid before the Dewan Rakyat as soon as possible after such publication.所有依据本章制定的规章都应在政府公告上刊登并在发表后尽快提交给众议院。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第54(2)条)
be liable可能;会…
To be likely.可能;会。
A person who contravenes section 118 or 119 is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction by way of indictment to a fine of not more than $1,000,000 or to life imprisonment,or to both.任何人员违反第118或119条均构成犯罪行为,并会定罪,受到不超过一百万美元的罚款或终身监禁,或两者并罚。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第120条)
If proceeds of crime have been transformed or converted,in part or in full,into other property,such property shall be liable to the measures referred to in this article instead of the proceeds.如果犯罪所得已经部分或全部转变或转化为其他财产,则会对此类财产适用本条所述措施。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第12(3)条)
be obliged to不得不
1.To be bound to.2.To have the obligation to do.1.必须。2.有做某事的义务。
The person who is obliged to ensure the foreigner's subsistence shall also be obliged to pay such a charge.确保外国人生活费用的人也有义务支付这笔费用。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第43(3)条)
A State Party in whose territory an alleged offender is found,if it does not extradite such person in respect of an offence to which this article applies solely on the ground that he or she is one of its nationals,shall,at the request of the State Party seeking extradition,be obliged to submit the case without undue delay to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution.被指控人所在的缔约国如果仅以罪犯是本国国民为由不就本条所适用的犯罪将其引渡,则有义务在要求引渡的缔约国提出请求时,将该案提交给其主管当局以便起诉,而不得有任何不应有的延误。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第16(10)条)
be satisfied认为
To be certain or be convinced.认为或确信。
The visa or document shall be issued if,following an examination,the officer is satisfied that the foreign national is not inadmissible and meets the requirements of this Act.在检查后,如果该官员认为该外国人可以入境并符合本法的条件,则应授予签证或证件。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第11.1条)
Subject to the provisions of its domestic law and its extradition treaties,the requested State Party may,upon being satisfied that the circumstances so warrant and are urgent and at the request of the requesting State Party,take a person whose extradition is sought and who is present in its territory into custody or take other appropriate measures to ensure his or her presence at extradition proceedings.在不违背本国法律及其引渡条约规定的情况下,被请求缔约国可在认定情况必要而且紧迫时,应请求缔约国的要求,拘留其境内的被请求引渡人或采取其他适当措施,以确保该人在进行引渡程序时在场。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第16(9)条)
be served on送达
To deliver a warrant or summons to someone.将命令或传票送达给某人。
Every party,and any person representing a party,must notify the appellate authority of a postal address at which documents may be served on him and of any changes to that address.每个当事人,代表一方的任何人必须通知上诉机构文件送达的邮寄地址并通知变更的地址。(英国2003年移民和庇护上诉(程序)条例第6.18条)
Where the appeal is entered by the applicant a copy of the appeal shall be served on the Minister and the Commissioner.当申请人提起上诉后,应将上诉复印本送达给部长和委员。(马耳他难民法第7(2)条)
be subject to依据;遵照;受到…约束
1.To be accordance to.2.To be obliged to obey.1.按照。2.必须服从。
The refusal of a visa for tourist purposes and of a visa and a passport substitute at the border shall not be subject to appeal.旅行签证、签证及护照的替代物在边境拒签后不得提出上诉。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第83(1)条)
Mutual legal assistance may be refused:(c)If the authorities of the requested State Party would be prohibited by its domestic law from carrying out the action requested with regard to any similar offence,had it been subject to investigation,prosecution or judicial proceedi-ngs under their own jurisdiction.在下列情况下可拒绝提供司法协助:(c)假如被请求缔约国当局依据其管辖权对任何类似犯罪进行侦查、起诉或审判程序时,其本国法律将会禁止其对此类犯罪采取被请求的行动。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第18(21)(c))条)
Subject to the provisions of its domestic law and its extradition treaties,the requested State Party may,upon being satisfied that the circumstances so warrant and are urgent and at the request of the requesting State Party,take a person whose extradition is sought and who is present in its territory into custody or take other appropriate measures to ensure his or her presence at extradition proceedings.在不违背本国法律及其引渡条约规定的情况下,被请求缔约国可在认定情况必要而且紧迫时,应请求缔约国的请求,拘留其境内的被请求引渡人或采取其他适当措施,以确保该人在进行引渡程序时在场。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第16(9)条)
bear a legal burden负有法律责任
To have the law responsibility.具有法律责任。
A defendant bears a legal burden in relation to the matters in subsection(5).被告人应承担第(5)条款中有关事项的法律责任。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第229(6)条)
bear an evidential burden有举证责任
See burden of proof.见举证责任。
A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in subsection(2).被告人应承担第(2)条款中有关事项的举证责任。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第230条注)
In migration context,it means the person who is in possession of a visa or permit or passport or other documents that can identify the status of that person.移徙背景下,指能够证明此人身份的签证、许可证、护照或其他证件的拥有者。
The term “passport”means any travel document issued by competent authority showing the bearer's origin,identity,and nationality if any,which is valid for the admission of the bearer into a foreign country.“护照”指主管机关发放的一种旅行证件,用以显示该持证人的出身、身份和国籍,从而使持证人入境外国有效。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年第1101(30)条)
A document other than a passport may be accepted in lieu of a passport if it establishes to the satisfaction of the immigration officer,the identity and nationality of the bearer,and that he can return to the country which he has left to seek to enter Trinidad and Tobago,or that he can gain admission to some other country.若移民官员认为非护照的证件可以证明持有人的身份与国籍,此人可以返回至其离开入境特立尼达和多巴哥的国家,或可以获得允许入境其他国家,则非护照的证件可以用来替代护照。(特立尼达和多巴哥移民法2009年修订第13(4)条)
In front of and required to answer to.在…面前被要求答复。
A proposed regulation that has been laid before each House of Parliament under subsection(2)does not need to be so laid again,whether or not it has been altered.依据第(2)款向众参两院提交的拟定法规不必再次提交,无论是否修正。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第5.3条)
behaviour concern non citizen非公民行为(澳)
Behaviour concern non citizen means a non citizen who:(a)has been convicted of a crime and sentenced to death or to imprisonment,for at least one year;or.非公民行为指以下非公民:(a)犯罪并被判处死刑或至少1年的监禁;或。(详见澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
bench trial法官独任审理
A trial without a jury,in which the judge serves as the fact-finder.不需要陪审团参加的审理,法官作为事实的裁定者。
A term commonly used in immigration law to refer to a person on whose behalf a relative or employer has filed a petition for the individual to be granted lawful permanent resident status.In cases where a beneficiary's spouse and/or minor children can also immigrate through the petition,the immigrant whose relation to the petitioning relative or employer is the basis of the petition is known as the principal beneficiary and any spouse and/or minor child is known as a derivative beneficiary.移民法中常使用的术语,用来指由亲属或雇主代表其提出被授予永久居民身份申请的人员。在受益人的配偶及/或未成年子女也可以通过该申请移民的情况下,申请的基础是与提出申请的人员有亲戚或雇主关系,此种情况下该移民称为主要受益人且配偶及或未成年子女称为衍生受益人。
The right to compensation for the death of a refugee resulting from employment injury or from occupational disease shall not be affected by the fact that the residence of the beneficiary is outside the territory of the Contracting State.难民由于雇佣中所受损害或职业病死亡而获得的补偿权利,不因受益人居住地在缔约国领土以外而受影响。(难民地位公约第24(2)条)
Benelux Treaty比荷卢条约
Benelux Treaty is the treaty signed between the three States in western Europe:Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The Treaty establishing the Benelux Union has provided the Committee of Ministers with the following legal instruments:decisions, conventions, recommendations and directives. The Treaty between the Benelux countries establishing the Benelux Economic Union was limited to a period of 50 years. After the creation of the European Union, the Benelux cooperation focused on developing other fields of activity within a constantly changing international context, taking into account the new aspects of the Benelux cooperation, such as security. The new Benelux cooperation focuses on three main topics:internal market and economic union, sustainability, justice and internal affairs. 比荷卢条约是在比利时、荷兰、卢森堡三个西欧国家之间签署的条约。该条约建立了比荷卢联盟,为部长委员会提供了以下法律文件:决策、公约、建议及指令。比荷卢国家之间建立比荷卢经济联盟的条约期限为50年。在欧盟创建以后,在发展变化的国际形势下,考虑到比荷卢合作新领域如安全,比荷卢三个国家的政府能够决定续签条约,比荷卢合作致力于其他领域的活动。比荷卢新的合作领域主要有三个方面:国内市场和经济联盟、可持续性、司法和内政事务。
Best(effective)practices mean to further the application of existing norms and principles,both at the international and the national levels.Best practices may be translated into operational directives,codes of conduct or other manifestations of soft law,but should not lead to a weakening or erosion of positive law.They are characterized by:being innovative,developing creative solutions;showing a positive impact on the level of implementation of the human rights of migrants;having a sustainable effect,especially by involving migrants themselves;and having the potential for replication.最佳(有效)做法指在国际及国内层面上对现行标准及原则的进一步应用。最佳实践可变为操作性指导、行为准则或软法的其他表现形式,但不应弱化或损害实在法。最佳实践的特点为创新性、制定创造性解决方案;对移民人权的实施显现出积极的影响;特别是涉及移民自身时具有可持续的效果并具有可复制的可能。相关词语 capacity building(能力建设),regional consultative processes(地区性咨询进程),soft law(软法),technical cooperation(技术合作)
States Parties shall endeavour to develop and evaluate national projects and to establish and promote best practices and policies aimed at the prevention of transnational organized crime.缔约国应努力开发和评估各种旨在预防跨国有组织犯罪的国家项目,并制订和促进这方面的最佳做法和政策。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第31(1)条)
best interests of the child儿童最佳利益
Best interests of the child are a primary consideration in all actions concerning children,including the search for short and long-term solutions.The principle must be respected during all stages of the displacement cycle.At any of these stages,a best interests determination must be documented in prepar-ation of any decision fundamentally impacting on the unaccompanied or separated child's life.This determination “requires a clear and com-prehensive assessment of the child's identity,including her or his nationality,upbringing,ethnic,cultural and linguistic background,particular vulnerabilities and protection needs.” 儿童最佳利益指所有行动中有关儿童的主要考量,包括寻找短期、长期解决办法。在迁移循环各阶段都应尊重这一原则。在任何阶段,决定最佳利益必须证明任何决定的准备本质上会对无人陪伴或分离儿童生活产生影响。此决定需要对儿童身份,包括其国籍、抚养、种族、文化与语言背景、特别是易受伤与保护需要进行清晰的、综合的评估。
A term used in Austria to designate official care centers,or shelters,where asylum seekers without resources can be housed.在奥地利,该术语用于指定的官方看护中心,或避难所,在此无资源的避难寻求者可获得房屋。
BIA(Board of Immigration Appeals)移民上诉机构
See Board of Immigration Appeal 见移民上诉机构。
BIA support边境及移民机构援助(英)
The assistance from the UK Border Agency.来自英国边境机构的帮助。
Being married to more than one person at the same time;a criminal offence in most jurisdictions.同时与不止一人结婚的行为。在大多数国家的司法中,重婚被认定为犯罪行为。
Involving two parties or two States.涉及两方当事人或两国。相关词语 multilateral(多边的),treaty(条约)
The Contracting Parties may,on a bilateral basis,extend the scope of paragraph 1 and adopt additional provisions in implementation of this Article.在双边基础上,缔约国可扩大第1款的范围,在实施本条时采用附加条款。(2000年申根条约第40.10条)
States Parties shall endeavour to develop and promote global,regional,sub-regional and bilateral cooperation among judicial,law enforcement and financial regulatory authorities in order to combat money-laundering.缔约国应努力为打击洗钱而发展和促进司法、执法和金融管理当局间的全球、区域、分区域和双边合作。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第7(4)条)
bilateral agreement双边协议
The agreement or contract signed by two parties or two States.由双方当事人或两国签订的协议或合同。
Paragraph 1 shall not affect the application of the broader provisions of the bilateral agreements in force between the Contracting Parties.第(1)款不应影响缔约国间有效的双边协议边境条款的适用。(2000年申根协议第48.2条)
States Parties shall cooperate closely with one another,consistent with their respective domestic legal and administrative systems,to enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement action to combat the offences covered by this Convention.Each State Party shall,in particular,adopt effective measures:To facilitate effective coordination between their competent authorities,agencies and services and to promote the exchange of personnel and other experts,including,subject to bilateral agreements or arrangements between the States Parties concerned,the posting of liaison officers.缔约国应在符合本国法律和行政管理制度的情况下相互密切合作,以加强打击本公约所涵盖的犯罪的执法行动的有效性。各缔约国尤其应采取有效措施,以便:促进各缔约国主管当局、机构和部门之间的有效协调,并加强人员和其他专家的交流,包括根据有关缔约国之间的双边协定和安排派出联络官员。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第27(1)(d)条)
bilateral labour migration agreements劳工移徙双边协议
Formal mechanisms concluded between States,which are essentially legally binding treaty commitments concerned with inter-State cooperation on labour migration.The term is also used to describe less formal arrangements regulating the movement of workers between countries entered into by States as well as a range of other actors,including individual ministries,employer organizations,etc.国家间正式机制,国家间有关劳务移徙合作具有法律约束力的条约承诺。该术语也用来指规范国家以及其他行为者,包括各部委,雇主组织等签订的工人流动非正式的协议。
bilateral treaties双边条约
The majority of treaties registered pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations are bilateral treaties.A bilateral treaty is an international agreement concluded between two parties,each possessing treaty-making capacity.In some situations,several States or organizations may join together to form one party.There is no standard form for a bilateral treaty.An essential element of a bilateral treaty is that both parties have reached agreement on its content.Accordingly,reserv-ations and declarations are generally inapplic-able to bilateral agreements.However,where the parties to a bilateral treaty have made reservations or declarations,or agreed on some other interpretative document,such instrument must be registered together with the treaty submitted for registration under Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.根据《联合国宪章》第102条登记的多数条约均为双边条约。双边条约是具有缔约能力的两个当事方之间缔结的国际协定。某些情形下,若干国家或组织可联合组成一个缔约方。双边条约没有标准形式。双边条约中重要的条件是缔约双方就条约的内容均已达成共识。因此,不能对双边条约作出保留或声明。但是,如果双边条约的缔约国已经作出保留或声明,或就另外解释性文件达成协议,则必须根据《联合国宪章》第102条,将此文书与提交登记的条约一起登记。
binding laws强制性法律;约束性法律
Laws “bind”(impose limitations and/or confer rights upon)only the States that have accepted them.However,rules may bind non-parties to a treaty if the rules are part of customary law.只有接受强制性法律的国家,该法律才会对其产生约束作用(制订限制及/或授权)。但是,若法律法规为习惯法的组成部分,就不会使任何一方受到条约的约束。
Moral issues arising out of developments in biotechnology,such as cloning and stem cell research.由生物技术所产生的道德问题,如基因的克隆和干细胞研究。相关词语 fundamental rights(基本权利),EU Charter(欧盟宪章)
biographical data(biodata)个人资料
The personal details of the bearer of the document appearing as the text in the Visual Inpsection and Machine Readable Zones on the biographical data page of an MRTD and/or in the contactless integrated circuit of an e-MRTD.持证人的详细个人化信息,以文字形式载于机读旅行证件个人资料页的视读或机读区内,和/或电子机读旅行证件非接触式电子集成电路上。
Biographical data(biodata).The personalized details of the bearer of the document appearing as text in the visual and machine readable zones on the biographical data page of a passport book,or on a travel card or visa.个人资料(biodata)持证人的详细个人化信息,它以文字形式载于护照本个人资料页、旅行卡或签证上的视读或机读区内。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部信息附录1第6条)
biometric data生物特征资料
The information extracted from the biometric sample and used either to build a reference template(template data)or to compare against a previously created reference template(comparison data).In migration context,this is an effective way to prevent illegal entry by altered passport.从生物特征样本中提取的,用于建立参考(参考数据)模板进行对比(对比数据)的信息。移徙背景下,这是一种有效的预防涂改护照非法入境的手段。
In order to verify the authenticity of the foreigner's document or identity,the biometric and other data stored electronically within the passport,official passport substitute or other identity documents may be read,the necessary biometric data obtained from the foreigner and compared with the biometric data from the document.Biometric data pursuant to sentence 1 shall include only fingerprints,photograph and iris scan.为了验证外国人的证件或身份的真实性,用电子形式读取存储在普通护照、公务护照替代本或其他身份文件等生物及其他特征资料。获取外国人的必要生物数据并与证件中的生物数据进行对比。根据第一句,生物特征资料仅包括指纹、照片和虹膜扫描。(德国庇护法2008年修订版第16(1)(a)条)
A natural person will be guilty of committing an offence if he/she processes data included on a data chip with biometric data in an unauthorized manner.自然人如果未经授权拥有包含有关生物特征资料的芯片资料,属于违法行为。(捷克1999年外国人居留法2006年修订第157a(1)条)
biometric identifiers生物特征识别
See biometrics.见生物识别。
biometric identification生物特征识别
A means of identifying or confirming the identity of the holder of an MRTD by the measurement of one or more properties of the holder's person.一种通过测量机读旅行证件持证人个人的一个或多个特征来识别或确认其身份的手段。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部第二章第4条)
biometrics identification technology生物特征识别技术
A technique to identify that the person who holds the visa or passport is the true one by using one's biometric features,such as iris scan,or fingerprints.一种使用人们生物特征如虹膜扫描、指纹等来识别签证或护照持有人是否为本人的技术。
biometric information生物信息
See biometrics.见生物识别。
biometric matching生物特征匹配
The process of using an algorithm that compares templates derived from the biometric reference and from the live biometric input,resulting in a determination of match or non-match.用一种算法将生物特征参考模板与取自现场的生物特征样本进行比对,以确定其匹配或不匹配的过程。
biometric passport生物特征护照
Biometric passports and travel documents are integrated with identifiers that establish a reliable link between the genuine holder and the document.These identifiers consist of a facial image and fingerprints.The integration of biometrics in passports and travel documents helps to improve document security and to prevent falsification of documents.标识符将生物特征护照与旅行证件融为一体,在真正的持有人与证件之间建立可靠的联系。这些标识符包括面部图像、指纹。护照与旅行证件上的生物特征的融合有助于提高证件的安全性,并预防伪造证件。
biometric reference template生物特征参考模板
A data set which defines a biometric meas-urement of a person which is used as a basis for comparison against subsequently submitted biometric sample(s).界定人的生物特征测量的数据集,用作比对以后交验的生物特征样本的基础。
biometric sample生物特征样本
Raw data captured as a discrete unambiguous,unique and linguistically neutral value representing a biometric characteristic of an enrollee as captured by a biometric system(for example,biometric samples can include the image of a fingerprint as well as its derivative for authentication purpose).作为一种确切的、唯一的和语言中性的离散值采集的原始数据,该离散值代表着生物特征识别系统所采集的某一登陆者的生物特征(如生物特征样本可包括指纹图像及其用于鉴别目的的派生物)。
biometric system生物特征系统;生物识别系统
An automated system capable of :1.capturing a biometric sample from an end user for an MRP;2.extracting biometric data from that biometric sample;3.comparing that specific biometric data value(s)with that contained in one or more reference templates;4.deciding how well the data match,i.e executing a rule-based matching process specific to the requirements of the unambiguous identification and person authentication of the enrollee with respect to the transaction invloved;and 5.indicating whether or not an identification or verification of identify has been achieved.具有下列功能的自动系统:1.为制作机读护照、采集最终用户的生物特征样本;2.从该生物特征样本中提取生物特征数据;3.将该特定的生物特征数据值与一个或多个参考模板中所含的生物特征数据值进行对比;4.确定数据匹配度,即根据相关业务对登陆者进行明确识别和个别鉴定的要求,执行基于规则的匹配过程;及5.表明是否完成识别与鉴定。
The Secretary of Homeland Security shall develop a plan to accelerate the full implementation of an automated biometric entry and exit data system.由国土安全部长制定计划,用于加速自动化出入境数据生物识别系统的全面实施。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年第1365b(c)(1)条)
biometric template生物特征模板
Extracted and compressed data taken from a biometric sample.从生物样本中提取并压缩的数据。
biometric verification生物特征验证
A means of identifying or confirming the identity of the holder of an MRTD by the measurement and validation of one or more unique properties of the holder's person.通过测量或核实机读旅行证件持证人的一项或多项个人特征来识别或确认其身份的一种手段。
The study of measurable biological characte-ristics.“Biometric identifiers”(BIs)are pieces of information that encode a repres-entation of a person's unique biological make-up(e.g.fingerprints,retinal scans or voice scans).Some governments have introduced the use of biometrics as an improved security measure in issuing passports,visas or residence permits.对可测量的生物特征进行的研究。“生物标识”(BIs)指对代表一个人独特的生物构成(如指纹、视网膜扫描或声音扫描)进行编码的信息。某些政府将生物测定作为一项安全措施运用到发放护照、签证或居留许可证等方面。相关词语 lookout system(监视系统),passport(护照),visa(签证)
The Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish an international registered traveler program that incorporates available technolo-gies,such as biometrics and e-passports,and security threat assessments to expedite the screening and processing of international travelers,including United States Citizens and residents,who enter and exit the United States.由国土安全部长制定国际旅客注册程序,该程序包括多种可利用的技术手段,例如生物识别、电子护照、安全威胁评估等,用以加速对国际旅客的筛查及审核。国际旅客包括进、出美国的美国公民与居民。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年第1365b(k)(3)(A)条)
Biometric information,in relation to a person—
(a)means any or all of—
(i)a photograph of all or part of the person's head and shoulders:
(ii)the person's fingerprints:
(iii)an iris scan;and
(b)includes a record,whether physical or electronic,of any of the above things.
The act or instance of being born.出生的行为或情况。相关词语 birth certificate(出生证明),birth entry number(出生登记编号)
A child born in the Federal territory whose mother possesses a visa or is permitted to stay in the Federal territory without a visa at the time of the birth shall be permitted to stay in the Federal territory until such time as the visa or the period of stay without a visa expires.在联邦境内出生的儿童,其母拥有签证,或当儿童出生时即使无签证也被允许在联邦境内居留的,应当允许在联邦境内居留直到签证或无签证居留期限届满为止。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第33条)
Bearing in mind that,as indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child,“the child,by reason of his physical and mental immaturity,needs special safeguards and care,including appropriate legal protection,before as well as after birth”.铭记如《儿童权利宣言》所示,“儿童因其身心尚未成熟,在其出生前和出生后均需要特殊的照顾和照料,包括法律上的适当保护”。(儿童权利公约序言)
birth certificate出生证明
An original document,usually issued under governmental or religious authority,stating inter alia,when and where a person was born.通常由政府或宗教当局发放,特别载明某人何时何地出生的原始文件。相关词语 identity document(身份证件)
Any person who —unlawfully uses or without lawful authority(the burden of proof whereof shall be upon the accused person)has in his possession any forged or unlawfully altered passport,permit or other document issued or purported to have been issued under this Act or any forged or unlawfully altered birth certificate,marriage certificate or other document purporting to establish status or identity,or any passport in which any visa,entry or endorsement has been forged or unlawfully altered — shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.任何人非法使用或未经法律授权(相关举证责任由被告承担)拥有伪造或非法涂改的护照、许可证或非法签发的其他文件,或据称拥有依据本法案签发的其他违法证件;或者拥有伪造或非法涂改的出生证明、结婚证明或意图确立其地位或身份的其他非法证件,或护照内的相关签证、入境许可或承认经过伪造和非法涂改的,犯有违反本法案罪。(汤加移民法及修订本第33(1)(e)条)
Any person residing in the Kingdom who —(c)is unable to pay the cost of his passage and of the passages of his family(if any)to the country of his birth or citizenship;and(d)is or is likely to become a charge upon the public or on a charitable institution—may apply to the Prime Minister for the repatriation of himself and his family(if any)at the cost of the Government.任何在汤加境内居住的人员,如果(c)不能支付本人及家庭成员(如果存在)前往出生国或公民身份所在地的旅途费用;以及(d)成为或可能成为某公共机构或慈善机构的负责人,则该人可以向汤加总理申请由政府出资,将其本人或家庭成员(如果存在)遣送回国。(汤加移民法及修订本第31(1)(c)(d)条)
birth,proof of出生,证明
Process of proving a person's birth by:production of the birth certificate(or a copy);evidence(by affidavit)of someone present at the birth.通过下列方式证明某人的出生:出示出生证明(或复印件);出生时在场人员的证据(书面陈述)。
birth registration出生登记;出生个案登记
Procedure,which must be completed within 42 days of birth,consisting of furnishing the following particulars:date,place of birth,name,surname and sex of child;name,surname,place of birth and occupation of father;name,surname,maiden surname,surname at marriage,place of birth of mother;mother's usual address;name,surname,qualification,address and signature of informant;registrar's signature.必须在出生42天内完成的程序, 包括提供下列特别信息:婴儿出生日期、出生地、名字、姓氏与性别;父亲的名字、姓氏、出生地与职业;未婚妈妈的名字、姓氏、结婚后的姓氏、母亲出生地、常住地址;信息提供者的名字、姓氏、资格、住址与签名;户籍员签名。
births register出生册
When a child is born,its parents should register in the relevant authority.The registered information includes date birth,gender,name and so on.在小孩出生后,其父母应到相关机构去登记,登记的信息包括出生日期、性别、姓名等。
This information system contains:(c)birth register number or other identification data provided by the alien.信息系统包含:(c)出生册编号或由外国人提供的其他身份资料。(捷克1999年外国人居留法2006年修订第158a(2)条)
black-line white-line design团花图案
A design made up of fine lines often in the form of a guilloche pattern and sometimes used as a border to a security document.The pattern migrates from a positive to a negative image as it progresses across the page.一种由细线组成的图案,经常以扭索纹的形式出现,有时用作安全证件的边沿。该图案在从页面的一边向另外一边延伸时会由阳图变成阴图。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部信息附录1第6条)
black market黑市
The sale of illegal goods or goods at illegal prices or quantities.非法货物或以非法的价格或数量进行的交易行为。相关词语customs(海关)
blank documents空白文档
Blank documents are those printed forms or documents with such empty spaces, which have been binding effect. 空白文档是指那些具有约束力的、留有空白位置的印刷表格或文件。
The categories of object listed below shall be included blank documents which have been stolen,misappropriated or lost.所列物品类别应包括被偷、不当或丢失的空白文档。(2000年申根协议第3d条)
blood relation直系关系;血亲
One related by blood or origin,especially on sharing an ancestor with another.某人通过血缘或出身与他人产生的关系,尤指某人与他人有共同祖先的关系。
A term refers to a body of one or more persons appointed by a larger assembly or society, to consider, investigate and/or take action on certain specific matters. In migration context, a board can be that of immigration, immigr-ation appeal and immigration review. 委员会是指由一人或多人组成的、被更大的立法机构或社团任命的,对具体事务进行裁决、调查以及/或采取措施的机构。移徙背景下,委员会指移民委员会、移民上诉委员以及移民复议委员会。
The Board is composed of a Chairperson and other members as are required to ensure the proper functioning of the Board.该委员会由主席和其他成员组成,以保证该委员会正常运转。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第152条)
Each Division of the Board has,in respect of proceedings brought before it under this Act,sole and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all questions of law and fact,including questions of jurisdiction.有关依据本法提出的诉讼,委员会各法庭拥有惟一、排他司法权用于进行听证及法律裁决以及所有包括裁决问题的事宜。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第162(1)条)
Board means the Immigration and Refugee Board,which consists of the Refugee Protection Division,Refugee Appeal Division,Immigration Division and Immigration Appeal Division.“委员会”指移民及难民委员会,包括难民保护法庭,难民上诉法庭,移民法庭以及移民上诉法庭。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第2(1)条)
board and inspect登临检查
It means that an immigrant officer has the authority to get on vehicles and examine the passengers,their passports and visas,and goods.指移民检查官有权登上交通工具并对乘客及其护照、签证、货物等进行检查。
An officer may board and inspect any means of transportation bringing persons to Canada,examine any person carried by that means of transportation and any record or document respecting that person,seize and remove the record or document to obtain copies or extracts and hold the means of transportation until the inspection and examination are completed.官员可登临、检查任何将他人运送至加拿大的运输工具,审查由该交通工具所携带的任何人并检查有关该人员的任何记录或文件,获取、带走该记录或文件以取得副本或摘录,并控制该交通工具,直到检查审核完毕。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第15(3)条)
Board of Immigrant Appeals(BIA)移民上诉法庭(BIA)(美)
The Board of Immigration Appeals(BIA)is the highest administrative tribunal for interpr-eting and applying United States immigration law,esp.reviewing appeals from adverse decisions of immigration judges and district directors of the Department of Homeland Security.The Board may have up to 15 permanent members appointed by the Attorney General.移民上诉法庭作为解释和执行移民法的最高行政法庭,特别是对移民法官和国土安全部的区负责人作出不利决定提出的上诉进行复审。该法庭最多有15名常任成员,由司法部长任命。
Boarding is the entry of passengers onto a vehicle,usually in public transportation.Boarding starts with entering the vehicle and ends with the seating of each passenger and closure of the doors.上船(车或飞机)就是乘客进入交通工具,通常是公共交通。上船(车或飞机)始于进入交通工具,终于乘客坐在座位上并关闭车(舱)门。
boarding gate登机口
Passageway where passengers can embark or disembark.乘客可以上下飞机的通道。
boarding pass登船证;登机证
A boarding pass is a document provided during check-in,giving a passenger the authority to board an aircraft(or ship).As a minimum,it identifies the passenger,the flight number,and the date and scheduled time for departure.登机(船)证是在登机(船)期间提供的证件。此证件使旅客有权利登机(或登船)。登机(船)证至少包含有关旅客身份识别、航班号、出发日期及时间等信息。
boarding station候检锚地
It means the place where ships entering the harbour waits for customs inspectors on board examination.指进港船只等候海关人员上船检查之地。
boat arrival乘船抵港人士
It refers to those who arrive at another country by means of ship.指通过船只抵达他国的人员。
boat people船民
The person who lives on fishing boats.在渔船上生活的人。
boat refugee海上难民
Boat refugees refer to those seeking asylum in other countries have arrived or attempt to arrive or are arriving in other countries by boat. 海上难民指那些乘船抵达或企图或正在抵达其他国家寻求庇护的人员。
1.The main part of a written instrument,such as the central part of a statute(after the title and preamble)or the middle part of a complainant's bill in equity.2.A collection of laws.3.An artificial person created by a legal authority.4.A deliberative assembly.1.书面文书的主体部分,如法令(标题及序文后)的中心部分或平衡法中诉状的重要部分。2.法律汇编。3.法人。4.审议会。
The governing body of a maintained school shall comply with a requirement of the local education authority to admit to the school a child to whom this section applies.负责学校的主管机构应当遵守当地教育机构的要求允许学校接受适用本条的儿童入学。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第37(4)条)
The Federal Ministry of the Interior or a body designated by the Federal Ministry of the Interior may agree arrangements for implemen-tation of the obligation specified in sub-section 1 with transport contractors.联邦内政部或内政部指定机构可允许运输合同人执行第一条款中规定的义务安排。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第63(4)条)
bogus document伪造的证件/文件
Documents that are forged or altered.伪造或涂改的证件。
Bogus document,in relation to a person,means a document that the Minister reasonably suspects is a document that:
(a)purports to have been,but was not,issued in respect of the person;or
(b)is counterfeit or has been altered by a person who does not have authority to do so;or
(c)was obtained because of a false or misleading statement,whether or not made knowingly.
bogus marriage假冒婚姻;假结婚
See sham marriage.见骗婚。
bogus/illegal asylum seeker虚假的/非法的庇护寻求者
Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(1948)states that “everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution”.In other words,there is no such thing as a “bogus” or “illegal” asylum seeker.世界人权宣言(1948年)第14条指出:“每个人都有权寻求和享受其他国家的庇护以避免迫害。”换句话说,不存在“虚假”或“非法”寻求庇护者。
bona fide(latin)真诚的、真正的(拉丁语)
“In good faith”;made without fraud or deceit;sincere,genuine.“真诚的”;没有虚假或欺骗的;诚挚的,真正的。相关词语 mala fide(虚假的;不真诚的)
The provisions of this article shall not be construed to prejudice the rights of bona fide third parties.不得对本条规定作损害善意第三人权利的解释。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第12(8)条)
“Seaman” includes the master and any person carried in a vessel as a bona fide member of the staff employed in the operation or service of the vessel and,if the vessel has articles,entered on those articles.“海员”包括船长以及船上所载受雇从事设备操作或服务的作为真正成员的任何人,若该船有相关规定,则遵照规定执行。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订序言)
bona fide applicant真正的申请者
In the migration context,a person who genuinely intends to enter the State for a lawful purpose,and who,in the opinion of a consular or immigration officer,is not likely to remain unlawfully and is not likely to breach the conditions of entry.移徙背景下,出于合法目的真正打算入境某国,且在领事馆或移民官员看来,不可能非法居留并不可能违背入境条件的人员。相关词语 applicant(申请人),bona fide(真正的),burden of proof(举证责任)
bona fide marriage真正婚姻
In migration context,it refers to marriage whose purpose is not to decieve to enter a State.在移徙背景下指不以欺骗入境为目的的婚姻。
bona fide refugee真正难民
Genuine refugee.真正的难民。
In the migration context,a monetary sum collected by the State as an assurance that an alien will take some required action,usually leaving the State.Departure bonds might be collected upon visa issuance or entry.Funds held as a bond are typically refunded upon proof of departure,such as when the person visits the State's consulate in his/her home country.Bonds may also be paid in order to be released from detention.移徙背景下,国家征收的货币数目,用来保证某外国人将采取一些必须的行动,通常是离开这个国家。离境保证金可在发放签证或入境时收取。用作保证金的资金通常可在证明离境后退还,例如该人到其原籍国设置的领事馆领取。交付保证金还可以用于拘留。
Arrested vessels and their crews shall be promptly released upon the posting of reasonable bond or other security.被逮捕的船只及其船员,在交纳适当的保证金或其他担保后,应迅速获得释放。(联合国海洋法公约第73(2)条)
The security under subsection(1)or(1A)shall be given in such manner and form as the Controller may determine and may be by bond,guarantee,cash deposit or any other method,or by 2 or more different methods.当管理者能够通过保证金、担保金、现金或其他方法,通过两种或多种不同方式进行确定时,依据第(1)或(1A)条,可以允许其进行相关形式的担保。(新加坡1959年移民法2008年修订本第43(4)条)
The state of being under the control of another person.处于受他人控制的状态。相关词语 bonded labour(债役劳工),debt bondage(债务质役)
bonded labour债役劳工
Service rendered by a worker under condition of bondage arising from economic considerations,notably indebtedness through a loan or an advance.Where debt is the root cause of bondage,the implication is that the worker(or dependents or heirs)is tied to a particular creditor for a specified or unspecified period until the loan is repaid.某工人出于经济原因,特别是由于贷款或预付款的原因处于质役状态而提供的服务。由于债务是质役根本原因,其含义是指工人(或其家属、后代)在指定或非指定的期间内受制于某个特定的债主,直到贷款被偿还为止。相关词语 bondage(质役),debt bondage(债务质役),migrant worker(移徙工人)
book format证件格式
Book format refers to the format that can be read by machine.证件格式指可机读的格式。
Line separating the land territory or maritime zones of one State from another.It can also refer to a region that is found at the margin of settled and developed territory.将一国的陆地疆界或海上区域与他国隔开的线。还用来指所发现的已定居及开发的领土边缘区域。相关词语green border(绿色边境)
Border means the national borders of the Republic and includes ports of entry,coastlines and the outer margin of territorial waters.边境指南非共和国的国家边境,并包括入境口岸、海岸线以及领海的外缘。(南非2002年移民法第2(1)条)
A foreigner shall be deemed to have entered the Federal territory only after having crossed the border and passed through the border check-point.任何外国人在穿越边境并通过边防检查站(点)后,就被视为进入联邦领土。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第13(2)条)
Without prejudice to article 27 of the Convention,States Parties shall consider strengthening cooperation among border control agencies by,inter alia,establishing and maintaining direct channels of communication.在不影响公约第27条的情况下,缔约国应考虑通过建立和保持直接联系渠道等办法加强边境管制机构间的合作。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书第11(6)条)
border(external EU)边境(欧盟外部)
The land borders of EU countries with non-EU countries,including river and lake borders,sea borders and their airports,river ports,sea ports and lake ports.These borders should not be confused with internal EU borders,which are those between EU countries.欧盟外部边境指欧盟国家与非欧盟国家的陆地边境,还包括河流、湖泊边境、海上边境及其空港、内河口岸、海港与湖港。不应把外部边境与欧盟国家间的内部边境混淆。
External borders means the Contracting Parties' land and sea borders and their airports and sea ports,provided they are not internal borders.外部边境指缔约国的陆地、海上边境以及空港、海港,只要这些港口不处于内部边界。(2000年申根协议第1条)
To combat the illegal import of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances,including cannabis,the Contracting Parties shall step up their checks on the movement of persons,goods and means of transport at their external borders.为了打击包括大麻在内的毒品和精神类药物的非法进口,各缔约国应在其外部边境对流动人员、货物、运输工具进行检查。(2000年申根协议第71(3)条)
The Contracting Parties shall endeavour to harmonise formalities governing the movement of goods across external borders and to monitor compliance therewith according to uniform principles.各缔约国按照统一的原则,应努力协调货物在外部边境流通的手续并监督其遵守。(2000年申根协议第120(4)条)
External borders mean the sea borders of the Netherlands and airports or sea ports where persons are subject to border controls.外部边境指人们受到边境检查的荷兰的海上边境、机场或海港。(荷兰2000年外国人法第1(d)条)
border(internal EU)边境(欧盟内部)
Internal border means the common land borders of the Contracting Parties,their airports for internal flights and their sea ports for regular trans-shipment connections exclusive from or to other ports within the territories of the Contracting Parties not calling at any ports outside those territories.内部边境指缔约国共同陆地边境、内部航班降落的机场、在缔约国领土内部专门从一港口或到其他港口运转联运船只而不在缔约国领土之外的任何港口停靠的口岸。(2000年申根协议第1条)
This working party shall consider,inter alia,transferring some of the police and customs staff released from internal border duty and the use of modern drug-detection methods and sniffer dogs.工作组应该考虑调动在边境履行责任的部分警察及海关工作人员,以及使用现代毒品侦查手段和嗅探犬等其他方式。(2000年申根协议第71(3)条)
border(local traffic)(EU)边境(当地交通)(欧盟)
Border(local traffic)means the regular crossing of an external land border by border residents in order to stay in a border area,for example for social,cultural or substantiated economic reasons,or for family reasons,for a period not exceeding three months.边境(当地交通)指由于社会、文化或经济原因或家庭原因,边境居民正常穿越外部陆地边境在边境地区停留不超过3个月。相关词语migrant(frontier)(移民(边境))
border(temporary external)(EU)边境(临时外部)(欧盟)
Border means:
(a)the common border between a Member State fully implementing the Schengen acquis and a Member State bound to apply the Schengen acquis in full,in conformity with its Act of Accession,but for which the relevant Council Decision authorising it to fully apply that acquis has not entered into force;
(b)the common border between two Member States bound to apply the Schengen acquis in full,in conformity with their respective Acts of Accession,but for which the relevant Council Decision authorising them to fully apply that acquis has not yet entered into force.
border area边境地区
The land area extending a certain distance(usually 30 kilometers)from the land borders of the State into the country,as well as the territories of seaports and international airports.由一国的陆路边境延长一定的距离(通常为30公里)的陆路地区,海港及国际机场的领土与此一致。
Border area means an area that extends no more than 30 kilometres from the border.The local administrative districts that are to be considered as the border area is specified by Member States concerned in their bilateral Agreements with a neighbouring third country.If part of any such district lies between 30 and 50 kilometres from the border line,it shall nevertheless be considered as part of the border area.边境地区指距边境外沿不超过30公里的区域。视为的边境地区地方行政区由相关成员国与其邻国在双边协议中指定。如果任何此类部分地区位于边境线的30至50公里内,则不能视为边境地区。(欧洲议会条例第1931/2000号法规(地方边境交通)第3(2)条)
When returning cannot be immediately implemented,the foreigner arriving by water,rail or road,shall be under the obligation to stay in a designated part of the border area or the airport for maximum forty eight hours from his/her arrival,the foreigner having arrived by air,for maximum eight days from his/her date of arrival.在不能实施返回的情况下,通过水路、铁路或陆路方式入境的外国人员从入境时开始算起,可以在边境地区或机场的指定区域最多停留48小时;乘飞机入境的外国人员最多可停留8天。(匈牙利2001年外国人入境与居留法第35(2)条)
Border and Immigration Agency(BIA)边境及移民署(BIA)(英国)
Established in April 2007 as a shadow Executive Agency of the Home Office responsible for immigration and citizenship,the BIA replaced the Immigration & Nationality Directorate.In April 2008 BIA was renamed the UK Border Agency and merged with UK Visas and part of HM Customs and Excise.于2007年4月成立,负责移民和公民身份,作为内政部的影子执行机构,BIA替代了移民与国籍管理局。2008年4月与英国签证及部分英国皇家海关及关税局合并,更名为英国边境署。
Border and Transportation Security(BTS)边境及运输安全机构(美)
One of the five major divisions,or “direc-torates” of the Department of Homeland Security,BTS assumes the enforcement functions of the former INS—including Border Patrol and Investigations.国土安全部5个主要机构或指挥部,担负着原移民局的执法职责,包括边境巡逻、调查。
border check(s)边境检查
Inspection on goods or persons that cross borders by the border check authority of a country.由一国边境检查当局在边境对跨境的货物或人员进行的检查。
Border checks means the checks carried out at border crossing points,to ensure that persons,including their means of transport and the objects in their possession,may be authorised to enter the territory of the Member States or authorised to leave it.边境检查指在边境过境点实施的检查,以确保人员包括交通方式及其拥有的物品获得许可入境成员国境内或离开成员国领土。(申根边境法第2.10条)
Border check shall mean a check carried out at a border in response exclusively to an intention to cross that border,regardless of any other consideration.边境检查指对任何形式的跨越边境情形,在边境实施的检查。(2000年申根协议第1条)
border checkpoint边境检查站
The place where the examination on goods or persons across the border is carried out.对跨境货物或人员进行检查设立的检查点。相关词语border control(边防控制)
The foreigner shall immediately be given the opportunity to file an asylum application with the branch office of the Federal Office assigned to the border checkpoint.应给予外国人向联邦部门分支机构指定的边境检查站提交庇护申请的机会。(德国庇护法2008修订版第18a(1)条)8
A visa issued as an exception at a border checkpoint gives the right for a single entry in Estonia and the validity of such visa shall not exceed fifteen days.在边境检查站作为例外情况而签发的签证为一次入境爱沙尼亚,且此种签证的有效期不得超过15天。(爱沙尼亚1993年外国人法1999年修订第9(5)条)
border control边境控制;国境管制
Border control means a State's regulation of the entry and departure of persons to and from its territory,in exercise of its sovereignty,whether this is conducted at the physical border or outside of the territory in an embassy or consulate.边境控制指国家对出入其领土人员的控制,行使其主权,无论这种控制是在实际边境还是其境外的大使馆或领事馆。相关词语border management(边境管理),border officials(边境官员),checkpoint(检查站),sovereignty(主权)
Border control means the activity carried out at a border,in accordance with and for the purposes of this Regulation,in response exclusively to an intention to cross or the act of crossing that border,regardless of any other consideration,consisting of border checks and border surveillance.边境控制指,按照本法规定,不做其他考虑,对有意越过或跨越边境的行为,在边境进行的管控活动,包括边境检查及边境监视。(申根边境法第2.9条)
Border control is understood to be the screening of an alien carried out at a border crossing point in relation to the intended crossing or completed crossing of the state border of the Czech Republic.边境控制应为对打算通过或已经通过捷克国家边境点的外国人实施的检查。(捷克1991年外国人居留法2006年修订第3(3)条)
border crossing过境;越境
Border crossing means the physical act of crossing a border either at a border crossing point or another point along the border.指在边境站或沿边境其他站点穿越边境的具体行为。相关词语border(边境), border control(边境控制),border officials(边境官员),checkpoint(检查站)
Entry into and exit from the Federal territory is permissible only at the approved border crossing points and within the stipulated traffic hours,in the absence of any exceptions which may be permissible on the basis of other statutory provisions or inter-governmental agreements.在其他法律规定或跨政府协议基础上,无特例情形规定时,只有在批准越境点并在规定的交通时间内才可进出联邦领土。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第13.1条)
border crossing identification card过境身份证
It means that a document that can identify one's status,such as his/her nationality with legal admission into another country.过境身份证指能够合法入境他国的、证明一个人身份如国籍的证件。
Border crossing identification card means a document of identity bearing that designation issued to an alien who is lawfully admitted for permanent residence,or to an alien who is a resident in foreign contiguous territory,by a consular officer or an immigration officer for the purpose of crossing over the borders bet-ween the United States and foreign contiguous territory in accordance with such conditions for its issuance and use as may be prescribed by regulations.过境身份证指美国领事官员或移民官员根据有关签发和使用此类证件的规定,向合法入境美国永久居住的外籍人或在美国毗邻国家领土内居住的外国人签发的、用于穿越美国与其毗邻国家间边境的、标有“过境身份证”名称的一种身份证件。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.6条)
border crossing point/border control point过境站;过境点/边境管制站
Border crossing point means the place where persons can go into another country from one country.过境站指人们从一国可以进入另一国的地方。
Border crossing point means any crossing point authorized by the competent authorities for the crossing of external borders.过境点指穿越外部边界得到主管当局授权的任何过境站。(2000年申根协议第1条)
A border crossing point is understood to be:(a)a location that is defined by an international agreement that is binding on the Czech Republic and is designated for crossing the state borders of the Czech Republic under the conditions defined by the International Treaty or this Act.过境点应为:(a)捷克应遵守的国际协议中规定的地点,以及依据国际条约或本法规定的情形而指定的穿越捷克共和国的国家边境之地点。(捷克1999年外国人居留法2006年修订第3(2)条)
border fence边境铁丝网;边境围栏
The fence can be used as a barrier between two countries to prevent people from crossing into the other country.边境围栏指在两国间用于阻止人们从一国翻越进入另一国的围栏。
border guard边境警卫
Border guard is a state security agency that performs border control,i.e.,enforces the task to protect the security of national borders.边境警卫是执行边境管制的国家安全机构,旨在实现保卫国家边境安全的任务。相关词语 border crossing point/border control point(过境站;过境点/边境管制站),border check(边境检查),border inspection(边境检查)
Border guard means any public official assigned,in accordance with national law,to a border crossing point or along the border or the immediate vicinity of that border who carries out,in accordance with this Regulation and national law,border control tasks.指根据国家法律,在边境穿越点或沿边境或在与该边境邻近地区按照该法律规定及国家法,被指定执行边境检查任务的公职人员。(申根边境法第2.13条)
The Border Guard Administration shall carry out extra-judicial hearings of the misde-meanours provided for in §§ 166 and 167.边境警卫局可以对第166和167条中规定的轻罪情形举行额外司法听证会。(爱沙尼亚1993年外国人法1999年修订第16*8(3)条)
border inspection边境检查;入境检查
See border checks.见边境检查。
The Attorney General shall prepare and submit on a quarterly basis a status report on each land border inspection project implemented under this subparagraph.部长每个季度准备并提交本条款有关陆地边境检查情况的报告。(美国移民与国籍2010年修订第286(p)(iii)条)
border inspection post边境检查站
See border checkpoints.见边境检查点。
border management边境管理
Facilitation of authorized flows of business people,tourists,migrants and refugees and the detection and prevention of illegal entry of aliens into a given country.Measures to manage borders include the imposition by States of visa requirements,carrier sanctions against transportation companies bringing irregular aliens to the territory,and interdiction at sea.International standards require a balancing between facilitating the entry of legitimate travellers and preventing that of travellers entering for inappropriate reasons or with invalid documentation.便于被准许的商务人士、游客、移民和难民的流动,发现和防止外国人非法入境某特定国家。管理边境的措施包括:国家对签证的强制要求、对携带外国人非法入境的运输公司进行制裁、海上封锁。国际标准要求在方便合法旅行者的入境与防止旅行者出于不正当的原因或拥有无效证件入境之间寻求平衡。相关词语 border control(边境控制)
border officials边境官员
A generic term describing those officials whose primary task is to guard the border and enforce the immigration(and possibly customs)laws of the State.Also termed “border guards”,“border police” or “aliens police”.用来描述主要任务是保卫边境和执行国家移徙(以及可能是海关)法律的官员的通用词汇。同时还可称作 “border guards”(边境警卫), “border police”(边境警察),或“aliens police”(管理外国人的警察)。相关词语 checkpoint(检查站), non-admission(不准入境),admission(准许入境),border management(边境管理)
border permit边境许可证
The Director-General may issue a cross-border permit to a citizen or a permanent resident or a foreigner who is a citizen or a resident of a prescribed foreign country with which the Republic shares a border.局长可以给公民或永久居民,或与南非接壤的规定国家的公民或居民的外国人颁发边境许可证。(南非2000年移民法2004年修订第24(1)条)
border post边境站
See border control.见边境控制。
All persons entering Iceland shall immediately report to a border post or to the nearest police authority.入境冰岛的所有人员都应立即向边境站或最近的警察局报告。(冰岛2002年外国人法第4条)
Aliens may cross the BiH border only at the border posts open to international traffic or at those meant for circulation between two States,unless agreements between BiH and neigh-bouring States provide otherwise.外国人只能在对国际交通开放的边境站,或用两国间通关之地越过波黑边境,除非波黑和邻近国家有协议规定。(波黑外国人流动、居留及庇护法第10(1)条)
border provisions of the bilateral agree-ments边界协定;双边协议的边界规定
The agreements signed by two neighbouring countries relates to border issues.由两邻国签署的有关边界事务的协议。
Paragraph 1 shall not affect the application of the broader provisions of the bilateral agree-ments in force between the Contracting Parties.第一款不能影响缔约国之间双边协议边界规定的实施。(2000年申根协议第48(2)条)
border requirement边境规定
Border requirement means the provisions related to border system or border issues. 边境规定指有关边境制度或边境事务的规定。
Border requirement means a requirement,responsibility,or obligation under any of sections 103 to 106,119,and 120.边境规定指根据第103条至106条、第119条以及第120条规定的要求、责任或义务。(新西兰2009年移民法第4条)
border resident边民
Border resident refers to those who live in border area.边民指居住在边境地区的居民。
Border resident means third country nationals who have been lawfully resident in the Border Area of a country neighbouring a Member State for a period specified in a bilateral Agreement between a Member State(s)and neighbouring third country,which shall be at least one year.指在一缔约国与接壤的第三国的双边协议中,在一国与其一接壤的缔约国边境地区合法居住了至少一年的规定期限的第三国国民。(欧洲理事会条例第1931/2006号法规(地方边境交通)第3(6)条)
border search边境搜查
Border search is a search conducted by the immigration or customs officials at the border of a country in order to detect and prevent illegal entries of people or things.Such a search requires no warrant.边境搜查是指由移民官员或海关官员在一国边境实施的搜查,旨在发现、预防人员或物品的非法入境。这种搜查无需命令。
border surveillance边境监视
Border surveillance means the surveillance of borders between border crossing points and the surveillance of border crossing points outside the fixed opening hours,in order to prevent persons from circumventing border checks.边境监视是指边界过境点和在固定开放时间边界过境点以外的边境的监视,以防止人员逃避边境检查。(申根边境法第2.11条)
At the request of the border surveillance authorities the carrier shall be obliged to return the aliens to the third State from which they were transported or to the third State which issued the travel document on which they travelled or to any other third State to which they are certain to be admitted.应边界监督机构的要求,承运人应该将外国人员送回到被运送出境的第三国,或者为该外国人员旅行而签发旅行证件的第三国,或者允许其入境的其他第三国。(2000年申根协议第26(1)(a)条)
border warrant边境令
Border warrant is a writ of arrest.It refers to warrants issued on one side of a national border for execution on the other side.Border warrant is issued on either side of the borders.边境令是一种拘捕令。指边境国在边境一侧签发而在另一侧执行的命令。边境令可在边境的任意一侧签发。
border workers边境工人
Persons commuting between their country of usual residence(which is usually their country of citizenship as well)and their place of employment abroad.往来于常住国(通常为国籍国)以及国外就业地之间的人员。
born in wedlock婚生子女
Also known as legitimate child.A child conceived or born in lawful wedlock.也称合法子女。指合法婚姻中受孕或出生的孩子。
The term “child” means an unmarried person under twenty-one years of age who is—(B )a child born in wedlock.“儿童”指未满二十一周岁的未婚人员,此人为(B)婚生子女。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年修订第1101(b)(1)条)
born out of wedlock非婚生子女
It means born when one's parents are not legally married.非婚生的指父母没有合法结婚时就出生的。
Subsec.(b)(1)(D)substituted “a child born out of wedlock” for “an illegitimate child”.第(b)(1)(D)条,用“非婚生子女”代替“私生子(女)”。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年修订本第1101(b)(1)条)
born stateless生而无国籍
It refers to the situation that a child was born who does not belong to any country due to the statelessness of his/her parents.指因父母无国籍致使出生的儿童不属于任一国家的情形。
See border.见边境。
brain circulation人才循环
The possibility for developing countries to draw on the skills,know-how and other forms of experience gained by their migrants—whether they have returned(to their country of origin)or not—and members of their diaspora abroad.移民利用其技能、知识和通过其他形式取得的经验,为发展中国家发挥潜在的才能——无论其是否已经返回(其原籍国)——及移居他国。相关词语:brain drain(人才流失),brain gain(人才引进),brain waste(人才浪费),circular migration(循环移徙)
brain drain人才流失;智力枯竭
Emigration of trained and talented individuals from the country of origin to a another country,due to causes such as conflict or lack of opportunities.出于诸如冲突或缺乏机会等原因,在来源国受过教育和有天赋的人员向他国移徙。相关词语brain gain(智力人才流入),emigration(移徙(向国外)),reverse brain drain(逆向人才流失)
brain gain人才流入
Immigration of trained and talented individuals from one country into the receiving country.Also called reverse brain drain.一国受过教育和有天赋的人员向接受国移徙。同时也称作reverse brain drain(逆向人才流失)。相关词语brain drain(人才流失;智力枯竭)
A violation or infraction of law or obligation.违背或违反法律或责任。
An appeal under section 83A must be brought on the grounds that removal of the appellant from the United Kingdom would breach the United Kingdom's obligations under the Refugee Convention.将上诉人驱逐出英国违背《难民公约》规定的英国应履行的义务,因此根据第83条必须提出上诉。(英国2006年移民、庇护与国籍法第3条)
In the case of ships proceeding to internal waters or a call at a port facility outside internal waters,the coastal State also has the right to take the necessary steps to prevent any breach of the conditions to which admission of those ships to internal waters or such a call is subject.在船舶驶往内水或在内水外的港口场所停靠时,沿海国也有权采取必要的步骤,以防止对允许这种船舶驶往内水或停靠港口的条件的任何破坏。(联合国海洋法公约第25(2)条)
The person who is responsible for earning money to support the family.挣钱养家的人员。
bridging visa过桥签证(澳)
A category of temporary visa that provides lawful status for certain non-citizens who would otherwise be unlawful.A bridging visa can only be granted while in Australia.一种临时签证,为某些非公民提供合法身份的签证,否则就为非法身份。过桥签证只能在澳大利亚签授。
There are classes of temporary visas,to be known as bridging visas,to be granted under Subdivision AF.根据第AF章规定授予的临时签证称为过桥签证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第37条)
A written statement submitted in a trial or appellate proceeding that explains one side's legal and factual arguments.审判或上诉程序中为表明一方的法律及事实凭证而提交的书面陈词。
To produce or file,lodge.提出。
An appeal must be brought within the period of 28 days beginning with the date specified in the penalty notice as the date upon which it is given.上诉必须在罚款通知规定日期起28天内提出。(英国2006年移民法第17.4.a条)
The Convention on the Law of the Sea Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations to bring this resolution to the attention of all Members of the United Nations and the other participants in the Conference,as well as the principal organs of the United Nations,and to request their compliance with it.《联合国海洋法公约》要求联合国秘书长将此决议引起联合国所有成员、其他与会人员及联合国主要部门的注意,并要求其遵守公约内容。(联合国海洋法公约附言一决议三第(2)条)
bring an action提出诉讼
To sue;institute legal proceedings.对…提起诉讼;提起诉讼。
British citizen英国公民
A native or naturalized member of British.英国本土人员或归化人员。
In this section—“country” includes territory;“United Kingdom national” means an individual who is—(a)a British citizen,a British overseas territories citizen,a British National(Overseas)or a British Overseas citizen.在本款中,“国家”包含领土;“联合王国国民”指下列人员:(a)英国公民,英国海外领土公民,英国国民(海外)或英国海外公民。(英国刑事司法与移民法2008年第72(9)(a)条)
British citizenship英国公民身份
The status of a British citizen with rights and duties.具有权利和义务的英国公民身份。
British diplomatic post英国外交职务
A British diplomatic post is a United Kingdom embassy,high commission or consulate.指英国大使馆,高级专员公署或领事馆职位。
British extraterritorial jurisdiction英国域外管辖权
The application of British law to a person with British nationality who is living in another country.英国法律适用于居住在其他国家具有英国国籍的人员。
British High Commission英国高级专员公署
In commonwealth capitals,the UK's overseas mission are known as High Commissions.There are generally five key areas of responsibility for each overseas British High Commission:1)Consular Section.This section helps British nationals who are living or visiting that country with issues such as passport renewal or if they find themselves in trouble with the police of that country;2)Visa Section.There are over 1350 people working in British embassies/high commissions worldwide who assist with processing entry clearance application;3)Commercial Section provides trade development and inward investment services;4)Political /Press and PR.Aim to increase the UK's image of integrity,creativity and openness;5)Management Section.Managing such things as budget and the day to day running of the office.在英联邦国家,英国的海外使团被称为高级专员公署。每个高级专员公署负责五个方面的职责:1)领事部。该部门帮助那些在其他国家生活或观光的英国国民更新护照,或若这些人与该国的警察发生冲突麻烦时,对其进行帮助;2)签证部。世界范围内有1350多名人员在英国的大使馆/高级专员公署工作协助处理入境批准申请;3)商务部提供贸易发展与国内投资服务;4)政治/新闻及公共关系部。旨在提高英国的诚信、创造及公开形象;5)管理部。主要对预算及办公日常开销进行管理。
British national(overseas)英国国民(海外)
See British overseas citizen.见英国海外公民。
In this section—“country” includes territory;“United Kingdom national” means an indivi-dual who is—(a)a British citizen,a British overseas territories citizen,a British National(Overseas)or a British Overseas citizen.在本款中,“国家”包含领土;“联合王国国民”指下列人员:(a)英国公民,英国海外领土公民,英国国民(海外)或英国海外公民。(英国刑事司法与移民法2008年第72(9)(a)条)
British nationality英国国籍
There are 6 different types of British nationality.These are British citizenship;British overseas territories citizen;British overseas citizen;British subject;British national(overseas)and British protected person.有6种不同的英国国籍。包括英国公民、英国海外领土公民、英国海外公民、英国臣民、英国国民(海外)以及受英国保护的人员。
British Nationality(Hong Kong)Act 1990《1990年英国国籍(香港)法》
An act to provide for the acquisition of British citizenship by selected Hong Kong residents,their spouse and minor children.为选拔香港居民、其配偶及其未成年子女获得英国公民身份作出规定的法律。
British Nationality Act 1981《1981年英国国籍法》
An act to make fresh provision about citizenship and nationality,and to amend the Immigration Act 1971 as regards the right of abode in the United Kingdom.This law(Act of parliament)came into force in 1983.Although it has been updated several times,it is still the basis of modern British nationality law.对公民身份与国籍作出新的规定,并就《1971年移民法》有关居留权进行修订的法律。该法于1983年生效。虽然已修改多次,该法依然为现代英国国籍法的基础。
In this section — “country” includes territory;“United Kingdom national” means an individual who is—(a)a British citizen,a British overseas territories citizen,a British National(Overseas)or a British Overseas citizen;(b)a person who under the British Nationality Act 1981 is a British subject.在本款中,“国家”包含领土;“联合王国国民”指下列人员:(a)英国公民,英国海外领土公民,英国国民(海外)或英国海外公民;(b)依据《1981年英国国籍法》的英国臣民。(英国刑事司法与移民法2008年第72(9)(a)(b)条)
Section 3 of the British Nationality Act 1981(c.61)(acquisition by registration:minors)is amended as follows.《1981年英国国籍法》第3条(通过注册获得身份:未成年人)修改如下。(英国2009年边境、公民及移民法第43(1)条)
British overseas citizens(BOCs)英国海外公民(BOCs)
BOCs are people who were born in a British colony but,when that colony became independent,did not become nationals of that colony and held no other nationality.The status of BOC does not confer a right of abode in the UK or anywhere in the world,although certain BOCs can apply for British Citizenship.出生在英国殖民地的英国海外公民。在殖民地独立时,没有成为殖民地的国民,亦无其他国籍。虽然某些英国海外公民可以申请英国公民身份,但英国海外公民身份并不赋予在英国或在世界的任何地方的居留权。
An application for registration of an adult or young person as a British Overseas citizen under section 27(1)must not be granted unless the Secretary of State is satisfied that the adult or young person is of good character.依据第27(1)条,作为英国海外公民而进行的成年人或未成年人的注册申请不能获得批准,除非部长认为此人具有良好品格。(英国2009年边境、公民及移民法第47(1)条)
British overseas territories英国海外领土
Places that are still connected with,and not wholly independent of,the UK.Previously called British Dependent Territories.The curr-ent British Overseas Territories are Anguilla,Bermuda,British Antarctica,the British Indian Ocean Territory(the Chagos Islands,including the island of Diego Garcia),the Cayman Islands,Falkland Islands,Gibraltar,Montserrat,Pitcairn Island,St Helen,the Turks and Caicos Islands,the Virgin Islands and the sovereign air bases of Akrotiri and Dhelekia on Cyprus.曾经为英国附属领土的地方,且不是完全独立的。目前英国海外领土为安圭拉、百慕大、英属南极洲、英属印度洋领地(查戈斯群岛,包括迪戈加西亚岛)、开曼群岛,福克兰群岛,直布罗陀,蒙特塞拉特,皮特凯恩岛,圣海伦,特克斯和凯科斯群岛,美属维尔京群岛的主权和空军基地的阿克罗蒂里和塞浦路斯的蒂里奇亚。
British passport英国护照
A document issued by the British competent authority identifying a person as a national of the issuing State,which is evidence of the holder's right to return to that State.由英国主管当局签发的证件,确认某人为英国的国民,该证件为持有人返回英国权利的证据。
British Passport Issuing Post英国护照签发处
An office which issues passport.护照签发处。
British protected persons(BPPs)受英国保护的人员(BPPs)
People from a country formerly under British protection,who did not acquire the nationality of that country when it became independent,or the nationality of any other country.来自受英国保护的前国家的人员,在该国独立时,此类人员无该国国籍,或任何其他国家的国籍。
British Refugee Council英国难民事务委员会
The Refugee Council is one of the leading charties in the UK offering support and advice to people who are seeking asylum.在英国,英国难民事务委员会是其主要的慈善机构之一,为那些寻求庇护的人提供支持与建议。
British subject(s)英国臣民
Until 1949,nearly everyone with a close connection to the United Kingdom was called a British subject.All citizens of Commonwealth countries were British subjects until January 1983.在1949年以前,与英国有着密切联系的人被称为英国臣民。到1983年1月所有英联邦成员国的公民才被称为英国臣民。
Brussels I regulation布鲁塞尔条例I
An EU Council regulation on common standards for the jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.欧盟理事会有关民事和商务事项管辖权和判决执行共同标准的条例。相关词语 applicable law(适用法律)
Brussels II regulation布鲁塞尔条例II
An EU Council regulation on the jurisdiction,recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility.欧盟理事会有关婚姻问题和父母责任的事项管辖、承认、执行判决的条例。相关词语 applicable law(适用法律)
Budapest Process布达佩斯进程
A consultative forum of more than fifty Governments from the wider European region and ten international organisations,which aims to promote good governance in the field of migration,a harmonised approach in dealing with irregular migration challenges and support for the transfer and common understanding of migration concepts and policies.一个由更广泛欧洲地区50多个欧洲政府及10个国际组织参加的协商论坛,该论坛旨在促进移徙领域的善政,在处理非正规移徙挑战方面采取一致的方法,并对移徙观念和政策的转变达成共识提供支持。
A term used in Austria to designate official asylum offices.奥地利的官方庇护办公室。
burden of proof举证责任
A party's duty to prove a disputed assertion or charge.In migration context,an alien seeking entry into a foreign State generally bears the burden of proof;that is,the alien must prove that she/he is entitled to enter and not inadmissible under the laws of the State.In the context of refugee status procedures the applicant must establish his or her case;i.e.to show on the evidence that he or she has a well-founded fear of persecution.一方当事人有义务对有争议的主张或指控提供证据。在移徙背景下,企图进入另外国家的外国人通常承担举证责任;即该外国人必须证明其根据该国家的法律,有权利入境并获得许可。就难民身份程序而言,申请人必须证实其案件;也就是出示其害怕受到迫害的充分证据。
In such proceeding,the burden of proof shall be on the Attorney General to establish,by a preponderance of the evidence,that a condition described in paragraph(1)is met.在此诉讼中,部长应承担举证责任,并通过证据中较有利之处确定符合第(1)款的条件。(美国外国人与国籍法2010年修订第1186a(c)(3)(D)条)
The burden of proof that any person is a person to whom this section applies shall lie upon that person.举证责任由适用于本条款的人员承担。(图瓦卢1969年移民法2006年修订版第7(3)条)
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services(BCIS)美国公民身份及移民服务局
See U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS).见美国公民身份与移民局Bureau of Customs and Border Protection(BCBP)美国海关及边境保护局
See U.S.Customs and Border Protection(CBP).见美国海关及边境保护局。
Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement(BICE)美国移民及海关执行局
See U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforce-ment(ICE).见美国移民与海关执行局。
Bureau of International Labor Affairs国际劳工事务局(美)
The Bureau of International Labor Affairs(ILAB)is an operating unit of the United States Department of Labor which manages the Department's international responsibilities.ILAB promotes the economic security and stability of United States workers in international affairs and provides advice and statistics on policy decisions which have U.S.labor concerns.The Bureau also represents the United States at trade negotiations and at international bodies like the International Labor Organization,the World Trade Organization.It provides technical assistance to foreign countries in the interest of benefiting the United States and additionally works with other government agencies to combat child labor and human trafficking abroad and in the United States.国际劳工事务局是美国劳工部的运作单位,管理劳工部国际事务。国际劳工事务局在国际事务中促进美国的经济安全与稳定,并提供建议及美国劳工关注的有关政策决定的数据统计。该机构还代表美国进行与国际机构如国际劳工组织、世贸组织等 进行贸易谈判。还为有利于美国利益的外国提供技术援助,此外还与政府机构共同打击童工及在美国境内外的人口贩卖。
business activities商业活动
Any actions undertaken by individuals or companies, such as buying, selling, marketing or investing, for the purpose of generating profits or developing economic opportunities. 个人或公司为获得利润或发展经济机会而采取的行动,如购买、销售、营销或投资。相关词语 judicial-civil(司法民事)
The holder of a visitor visa must not commence or continue:(a)in any employment in Vanuatu;or(b)any commercial or business activities in Vanuatu.旅行签证持有人不能开始或继续下列活动:(a)在阿努瓦图就业,或者(b)在阿努瓦图从事商业活动。(瓦努阿图移民法第45(1)条)
A foreign national who is aged 18 or older,and who intends to carry on long-term independent business activity in Norway,may be granted a residence permit if evidence is shown that there is an economic basis for the activity.打算在挪威从事长期独立商业活动的年满十八岁及以上的外国国民,如果有证据表明其从事的商业活动具备一定的经济基础,则可授予其居留许可。(挪威移民法2008年第25条)
business day营业日;工作日
A business day is considered every official working day of the week.Another common term is working day.Typically,these are the days between and including Monday to Friday and do not include public holidays and weekends.营业日是一周中的每个正式工作日。另一常用术语为工作日。通常包括周一至周五但并不包括公共假期和周末。
business migrant商务移民
A person who is granted entry for a limited term to take up a pre-nominated position with approved national sponsor-employers,generally in a professional or managerial capacity.被授予有入境期限、在专业领域或管理方面有能力的、具有合格国民雇主赞助提供的预先提名职位的人员。
business nonimmigrant商务非移民(美)
An alien coming temporarily to the United States to engage in commercial transactions which do not involve gainful employment in the United States,i.e.,engaged in international commerce on behalf of a foreign firm,not employed in the US labor market,and receives no salary from US sources.临时进入美国从事商务交易的任何外国人,其商业交易不涉及在美国有偿就业,即代表外国公司从事国际交易,而不是在美国劳动力市场就业,不接受来自美国任何形式的薪酬。
business owner(provisional)visa商业拥有人(临时)签证(澳)
This visa allows business owners to be involved in a new or existing business in Australia,as they progress towards eligibility for a business skills visa.This visa is granted for up to four years and holders can enter Australia unlimited times during validity.One must be outside Australia at granting unless he or she has held a students visa.Spouse,children or dependents of the person may be included in the application.To be eligible,the applicant must be under 45 years of age,have a vocational English language level.After two years,the applicant may be eligible to apply for permanent residence via business owner subclass 890 or State/Territory sponsored business owner(residence)subclass 892.该签证可使贸易拥有者在澳从事新的或现有的贸易,因为其符合商务技能签证的规定。该签证有效期为4年,持有人可在有效期内无限期入境澳大利亚。在获得该签证时,申请人必须不在澳大利亚,除非为学生签证持有者。其妻子、子女或受抚养人均可包括在申请名单之列。申请人必须在45岁以下,具有职业英语水平才符合该签证的要求。两年后,通过贸易拥有人或州/区赞助贸易拥有人(居留)的身份申请第890或第892类永久居留。
business owner(residence)visa商业拥有人(居留)签证(澳)
This visa is for business owners who have held a business(provisional)visa for at least one year of the last two years.This qualifying subclasses include 160,161,162,163,164 or 165.This is a permanent residence visa which allows holder unlimited travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted.If one wishes to continue to travel to and from Australia as a permanent resident after the initial visa has expired,he or she must obtain a resident return visa.该签证是签发给已拥有贸易签证(临时)人员最后两年中至少一年的贸易拥有人。此类签证包括160、161、162、163、164或165类。该签证为永久居留签证,可使拥有人在签证签发日期起5年内无限期进出澳大利亚。若初次签证失效,拥有人依然希望作为永久居民继续进出澳大利亚旅行,则应拥有居民返回签证。
business people schemes商务人员计划(英)
Immigration categories under which someone can apply to come to the United Kingdom as a business person to run a business full-time.作为专职商务人员向英国提交申请的移民类别。
business permission商务许可(爱尔兰)
Written permission from the Minister for Justice,Equality and Law Reform to a non-EEA national to allow one to become established and engage in business in Ireland.Business permission usually lasts for one year initially.由司法、平等及法律改革部长向非欧盟经济区国民授予的书面许可证,以使该人员在爱尔兰确定并从事商务活动。商务许可通常延续一年。
business sponsor商业赞助人
To sponsor something is to support an event,activity,person or organization financially or through the provision of products or services.A sponsor is the individual or group that provides the support,similar to a benefactor.赞助某事即经济上支持某一事件、行为、人员或组织或通过提供产品或服务予以支持。赞助人为个体或组织,可以提供援助,与捐助者相似。
Approval of a person as a business sponsor or approval means an approval(including a renewal of an approval)under the regulations of a person as a business sponsor.批准某人为商业赞助人指根据商业赞助人员法律规定而得到的批准(包括续任批准)。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第137A条)
business talent(residence)visa商业人才居留签证(澳)
This visa is for high calibre business people from overseas.This is a permanent residence visa which allows one to travel to and from Australia for five years from the date the visa is granted.If one wishes to continue travelling to and from Australia as a permanent resident after the initial visa has expired,he or she must obtain a resident return visa.该签证是签发给海外商业高级人才的签证。是永久居留签证,可使持有人在签证授予日起5年内进出澳大利亚。若初始签证过期,而依然希望作为永久居民旅行进出澳大利亚,则应拥有居留返回签证。
business travelers商务旅行者
Foreigners admitted temporarily for the purpose of exercising an economic activity that is remunerated from outside the country of admission.从入境国以外的经济活动中获利而被允许临时入境的外国人。
business visa商务签证
Business visa is issued to an alien who is invited to another country for a visit,an investigation,a lecture,to do business,scientific and technological and culture exchange,short-term advanced studies or intern practice for a period of no more than six months.商务签证是签发给外国人到他国进行访问、调研、讲学、进行贸易、科学技术与文化交流、短期进修学习或实习实践,时间不超过6个月的签证。
Business visa means:
(a)a visa included in a class of visas,being a class that:
(i)has the words “Business Skills” in its title;and
(ii)is prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph;or
(b)a visa:
(i)to which a prescribed provision of the Migration Reform(Transitional Provisions)Regulations applies;and
(ii)that is of a kind prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph;or
(c)a return visa that is granted to a person who is or was the holder of a business permit or business visa;
that is or was granted on or after 17 February 1992.
business visitor商务访问者
A person who is granted entry under a business visa or for the purposes of conducting business.持商务签证而被允许入境或开展业务的人员。
Business visitor means a person coming to Zambia to transact business during the person's stay in Zambia,such as attending meetings,conferences,arranging of deals and the signing of contracts and includes—
(a)an overseas worker,who is paid by an employer abroad,who comes to Zambia,for a short period,to work,install,erect,repair or service foreign-made machinery or equipment;
(b)a person who comes to Zambia to advise on the development of new computer systems or information technology;or
(c)the provision of any service consisting of advice,training or learning by observation or in a classroom.
by descent血统(英)
British citizenship gained through one's parents.This type of citizenship cannot normally be passed on to one's own children.通过父母得到英国公民身份。通常情况下,此类公民身份不能传给下一代。
by virtue of凭借…;由于
By reason of.因为;由于。
He(a worker)shall also,by virtue of the same right and under the same conditions as national workers,have access to training in vocational schools and retraining centres.凭借同等的权利,以及在同等条件下,作为工人,应该进入职业学校、再培训中心进行培训。(欧洲理事会关于在欧盟经济区内工人自由流动的规定第7.3条)
No State shall be obliged by virtue of this article to institute proceedings when another State has already instituted proceedings in accordance with this article.如果另一国已按照本条提起这种程序,则本条不应使任何国家承担提起司法程序的义务。(联合国海洋法公约第216(2)条)
by written notice以书面通知形式
In the written form.用书面形式。
If the Minister thinks that it is in the public interest to do so,the Minister may,by written notice given to an offshore entry person,determine that subsection(1)does not apply to an application by the person for a visa of a class specified in the determination.如果部长认为符合公众利益,部长可以书面通知形式下达给境外入境人员,裁定第(1)款不适用特定类型签证的申请。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第46A(2)条)
The time limit and other conditions shall be made known to the person concerned either by written notice given to him or endorsed by the immigration officer in his passport or travel document or in any other manner permitted by rules and regulations under this Act.关于时间限定和其他情况应以书面形式通知相关人员,或由移民官员在其护照或旅行证件中以背书方式,或以依据本法案有关的规定确定的其他方式通知相关人员。(不丹2007年移民法第32条)
To avoid obeying a rule,system or someone in an official position.回避遵守规定、制度或有某官方职位的人员。
Bypass immigration clearance has the meaning given by subsection 172(4).回避移民检查的含义与第172(4)中的定义相同。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
bypass immigration clearance回避出入境检查
To avoid the examination of immigration due to certain reason,such as without the proper visa or altered passport.由于某种原因逃避出入境检查,如不适当的签证或篡改的护照。
A person,other than a person who is refused immigration clearance,bypasses immigration clearance if:
(a)the person:
(i)enters Australia at a port;and
(ii)is required to comply with section 166;and
(iii)leaves that port without complying;or
(b)the person:
(i)enters Australia otherwise than at a port;and
(ii)is required to comply with section 166;and
(iii)does not comply within the prescribed period for doing so.