第8章 Of Beauty——Francis Bacon
Virtue is like arich stone,best plain set;and surely virtue is best,in abody that is comely,though not of delicate features;and that hath rather dignity of presence,than beauty of aspect.Neither is it almost seen,that very beautiful persons are otherwise of great virtue;as if nature were rather busy,not to err,than in labor to produce excellency.And therefore they prove accomplished,but not of great spirit;and study rather behavior,than virtue.But this holds not always:for Augustus Caesar,Titus Vespasianus,Philip le Belle of France,Edward the Fourth of England,Alcibiades of Athens,Ismael the Sophy of Persia,were all high and great spirits;and yet the most beautiful men of their times.[4]In beauty,that of favor,is more than that of color;and that of decent and gracious motion,more than that of favor.
That is the best part of beauty,which apicture cannot express;no,nor the first sight of the life.There is no excellent beauty,that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.A man cannot tell whether Apelles,or Albert Durer,were the more trifler;whereof the one,would make apersonage by geometrical proportions;the other,by taking the best parts out of divers faces,to make one excellent.Such personages,I think,would please nobody,but the painter that made them.Not but Ithink apainter may make abetter face than ever was;but he must do it by akind of felicity(as amusician that maketh an excellent air in music),and not by rule.A man shall see faces,that if you examine them part by part,you shall find never agood;and yet altogether do well.
If it be true that the principal part of beauty is in decent motion,certainly it is no marvel,though persons in years seem many times more amiable;pulchrorum autumnus pulcher;for no youth can be comely but by pardon,and considering the youth,as to make up the comeliness.Beauty is as summer fruits,which are easy to corrupt,and cannot last;and for the most part it makes adissolute youth,and an age alittle out of countenance;but yet certainly again,if it light well,it maketh virtue shine,and vices blush.
(王佐良 译)
comely adj. 有吸引力的,好看的
trifler n. 无聊之徒
whereof adv.&conj. 关于
personage n. 名人,要人
geometrical adj. 几何的
felicity n. 恰当
principal adj. 最主要的
dissolute adj. 放荡的
countenance n. 面容
① In beauty,that of favor,is more than that of color;and that of decent and gracious motion,more than that of favor.这句话点出了美之世界中的等级:文雅合度胜于容颜绝色,而天生丽质胜于庸脂俗粉。将品行置于美的最高境界,是对其旨归何处的最好回答。
② Beauty is as summer fruits,which are easy to corrupt,and cannot last;and for the most part it makes adissolute youth,and an age alittle out of countenance;but yet certainly again,if it light well,it maketh virtue shine,and vices blush.美如夏日之果这一比喻与“肤浅”一说异曲同工,都告诫人们只有美德才是美丽的源头活水,让它魅力常驻;外表之美本身,只是腐败的温床罢了。