Stella McCartney—a woman with individuality 个性独特的斯特拉·麦卡特尼
身为音乐名人保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney,前披头士乐队成员) 之女的斯特拉·麦卡特尼(Stella McCartney)1971年在英国出生,父亲的名气确会帮她事业一把,但她的努力与天分不能抹杀。在雷文斯本艺术学院(Ravensbourne College of Art)修毕基础美术后,又于1995年于中央圣马丁艺术学院(Central St Martin) 毕业。毕业时装展上,超模娜奥米·坎贝尔、凯特·摩斯和雅思敏·勒·邦为好友斯特拉免费演出! 两年后火速入主垂死品牌Chole, 其中父亲是否有出力不得而知,但Stella 也真的在短短时间内让这品牌起死回生!
不得不佩服Stella 的能力! 她最有名的风格是自然、女性化和狂野味道,她更拒绝皮革,是100% 环保者。2001年在汤姆·福特推荐下投入古驰集团,以个人名义推出品牌,2003 年拥有自己味道的香水;2005年开始更与著名运动品牌阿迪达斯创作Adidas by Stella McCartney 女性运动系列,专门针对女性曲线及科技化功能性制作,价钱合理又时尚;2007年有自家全天然护肤产品 CARE,2008年有自己的品牌内衣,2010 年开始做童装。而她最厉害的是2012伦敦奥运会与阿迪达斯合作为英国运动员设计团队制服,但毁誉参半,原因是衣服与英国国旗颜色有异。
Stella 第一间专卖店由香港Joyce 集团为其设立,时为2013年,位置在中环置地广场;而在2012年,上海、北京的百货公司就已经有此品牌出售,2014年在北京、上海、成都加开专门店。我在连卡佛逛女装部必看斯特拉,因其手工精细、颜色独特、女性化而又年轻,这是她的成功之处。
Stella McCartney was born in a great musician family 1971, as she is the daughter of Paul McCartney, the formerly known member of Beatles. His father's reputation helped her a lot in some ways in her career. Nevertheless, her talent and effort cannot be neglected. She graduated at Ravensbourne College of Art in design foundation and completed a fashion course at Central St Martin in 1995. Her graduation collection invited Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss and Yasmin Le Bon to catwalk for her generously. After 2 years she became creative director for the dying Chloe. We won't know if it was helped by her father but she could absolutely give the brand a new life! Her features are natural, feminine with a touch of wildness. She also rejects leather and a 100% environment protector. In 2001, she was invited to work for Gucci as introduced by Tom Ford, and used Stella' name to launch her own brand. In 2003 she launched perfume. In 2005, she collaborated with the famous sport brand Adidas named “Adidas by Stella McCartney” mainly for women's wear with technological and functional design applied, and the price was reasonable. In 2007 she launched skin care product “CARE”which was chemical free. In 2008, she had lingerie, and in 2010 she created children's wear. In 2012, it was her high time because she worked with Adidas to create sport apparels for the British team in 2012 Olympics. However, the comments were ups and downs as some people thought the clothes could not catch the essence of the British national flag in color.
With the help of Joyce group, Hong Kong, the first shop was landed at Joyce in 2013. The location was at Landmark, Central. In 2012, it had counters in Shanghai and Beijing malls. In 2014, Beijing and Shanghai had flagship stores. For me, I always visit Lane Crawford to see her new collection because of good workmanship, unique colors, feminine and young looking. That is the reason why she is success.
Stella McCartney represents feminine, natural, wildness and green protection.
Stella McCartney代表女性化、自然、野性及环保。
Shop in Hong Kong: Shop 233/234, 2/f, the Landmark, Hong Kong
香港地址: 香港中环置地广场233/234, 2/F层
Illustration/插图: Roxanne Chan