13.Gastroscopy Examination胃镜检查
Nurse: Mr. Ding,your bleeding has been stopped after the treatment in the last several days.Now we are going to give you an endoscopy examination. Is that OK?
护士: 丁先生,你经过这几天治疗后出血已止。我们准备给你做一次内镜(胃镜)检查,好吗?
Patient: I’m feeling quite good now. It is no need to have a gastroscopy examination.
病人: 我觉得我已经好了,不用做胃镜了。
Nurse: Mr. Ding,the gastroscopy examination can confrm the reason and exact location of the hemorrhage,so that we can prescribe the right treatment for you.
护士: 丁先生,胃镜检查可以明确你出血的原因及出血的部位,以便对症下药。
Patient: Is it necessary? I’ve heard that the examination is very uncomfortable.
病人: 必须要做吗?听说做胃镜很难受的。
Nurse: Well,it is better to have it done. It may be a little uncomfortable,but before the examination,the doctor will give you anesthesia in your throat to relieve your discomfort.When the gastroscopic tube is inserted to your throat area,you should follow the examiner’s instruction to swallow it as you would swallow noodles. Good cooperation with each other can shorten the time and reduce the discomfort of the examination.
护士: 最好还是做。检查时是有一点难受,但是检查人员在检查前会给你的咽喉部麻醉一下,以减少你的不适。胃镜插到咽喉部后,你可以根据检查人员的口令像平时吞面条一样往下吞咽,检查者会同步插入胃镜,相互配合可减少插管时间从而减轻不适感。
Patient: I’m afraid I may not cooperate with the doctor very well because of being uncomfortable. I’m also concerned about hemorrhaging after they insert the tube into my stomach. Which doctor will perform the procedure for me?
病人: 我很担心自己因难受而不能配合好,还担心胃镜插入后会引起出血。不知道明天哪位医生给我做?
Nurse: I see. Please don’t worry. The catheter of the gastroscopy is very thin and the doctor who will perform the examination is very skillful. He will to minimize the discomfort and it will not cause any hemorrhaging. We have more than thirty patients receiving this procedure every day,and almost none of the patients have bleeding problems.Also,the doctor who will perform the examination for you tomorrow is the chief surgeon He is the most experienced doctor at our hospital. So don’t worry.
护士: 噢,你的担心可以理解,不过你放心,现在的胃镜管很细。给你做检查的医生技术又很熟练,不会让你很难受的,更不会引起出血。每天都有30多位病人来做检查,几乎没有一位病人有出血现象,而且明天主任将亲自给你做。他是我们医院最有经验的医生,别担心。
Patient: Well,what should I do to prepare for the examination? Can I take food after the examination?
病人: 那好吧,那么检查前需要做哪些准备工作,检查后是否可以进食?
Nurse: Food and water are not allowed six hours before the examination. You should take a dry towel with you to wipe saliva. You can eat food two hours after the examination.Taking food too early may lead to choking and asphyxia because of the throat anesthesia which can affect swallowing.
护士: 做检查前需要禁食禁水6小时,并准备一块干毛巾以擦拭唾液用。术后2小时方可进食,过早进食可因咽部麻醉未消失,吞咽功能未恢复而造成呛咳窒息等情况。
Patient: But how much do I have to pay for it?
病人: 做胃镜检查要多少钱?
Nurse: Two hundred and ffty yuan.
护士: 250元。
Patient: It’s too expensive. You know,Miss Qiu,my family is not doing well financially.Could you consult with the doctor to replace the examination with a cheaper one?
病人: 太贵了,邱小姐你也知道我家庭的经济条件不好,能不能和医生商量一下换一种便宜点儿的检查项目?
Nurse: OK. Please wait for a moment. I’ll ask the doctor now.
护士: 好的,你先等一会儿,我去问问医生,好吗?
(After a while)
Nurse: Mr. Ding,I’ve asked the doctor. The doctor insisted that you should have a gastroscopy examination.
护士: 丁先生,我已经问过医生了,医生认为还是做胃镜比较好。
Patient: You only want to make money,not consider the situation of your patients.
病人: 你们就知道赚钱,不考虑病人的具体情况。
Nurse: Don’t be so angry,Mr. Ding. It is because of your family financial situation,we select the gastroscopy examination which will reveal the pathological changes clearly and directly. Therefore,other unnecessary examinations can be avoided,and thus to minimize your economic burden.
护士: 丁先生,你不要生气。我们也正因为考虑到您的家庭情况才选择能直接清晰看到病变部位的胃镜检查,避免做不必要的其他检查,加重你的经济负担。
Patient: Well,OK.
病人: 那好吧。
Nurse: Now,you can have a rest,Mr. Ding. I will accompany you later for the examination.
护士: 丁先生,你现在先休息一会儿。等会儿我陪你一起去做胃镜检查。