5.16 Storage and Yard
5.16.1 Plant-wide storage and yard should be arranged in a centralized way in the area close to boundary of the plant and near the entrance and exit for the materials to be stored.It should also be near the workshop it serves.
5.16.2 The timber yard shall be arranged at leeward side of the place exposed to open flame production and sparks in terms of the wind direction of the least frequency in normal year.
5.16.3 Fuel oil storage tank and air receiver/gas storage tank shall be arranged according to the following requirements:
1 The fuel oil storage tank should be arranged in low lying area near main consumers and close to boundary of the plant.
2 Air receiver shall be arranged in the area close to the air source,having easy connection with the pipes of the consumer and with good ventilation.
3 Fuel gas and fuel oil tanks shall be arranged in accordance with the requirements of current national standards GB 6222 Safety Code for Gas of Industrial Enterprise and GB 50074 Code for Design of Oil Depot,with surrounding enclosure wall and fire fighting passageways.
5.16.4 The arrangement of explosive depot and explosive making shop shall meet the relevant requirements of current national standard GB 50089 Safety Code for Design of Engineering of Civil Explosives Materials and GB 6722 Safety Regulation for Blasting.