What this book covers
Chapter 1, Setting Up OpenCV, covers the steps to setting up OpenCV and an Android development environment, including Eclipse and Android SDK.
Chapter 2, Working with Camera Frames, shows how to integrate OpenCV into an Android app that can preview, capture, save, and share photos.
Chapter 3, Applying Image Effects, explores the OpenCV's functionality for manipulating color channels and neighborhoods of pixels. We expand our app to include channel-mixing filters, "curve" filters, and a filter that darkens edges.
Chapter 4, Recognizing and Tracking Images, demonstrates the steps to recognizing and tracking a known target (such as a painting) when it appears in a video feed. We expand our app so that it draws an outline around any tracked target.
Chapter 5, Combining Image Tracking with 3D Rendering, improves upon our previous tracking technique by determining the target's position and rotation in real 3D space. We expand our app so that it sets up an OpenGL 3D scene with the same perspective as the Android device's real camera. Then, we draw a 3D cube atop any tracked target.