What This Book Covers
Chapter 1 gives directions how to obtain Lighttpd. Regardless, if we want to use a binary package or build from source, everything is there. In addition, dependencies, optional packages, and compilation options are examined. After working through this chapter, we should have an installed Lighttpd to work with.
Chapter 2 introduces all elements of the configuration language by example. Usable examples include sending the correct MIME type, setting up multiple domains, rewriting, and redirecting. Also the command line options are explained. For those who are not fluent in regular expressions, the chapter has an excursion. At the end of this chapter, we have our Lighttpd up and running.
Chapter 3 builds on the concepts of the second chapter and discusses the configuration various CGI-like interfaces, three modules for virtual hosting, also introducing the MySQL database, which is used in one of the modules.
Chapter 4 shows how to set up Lighttpd as a download or streaming server, covering optimizations for large downloads as well as guarding our site against denial of service attacks, dealing with proxies, and restricting download speeds for anonymous clients.
Chapter 5 extends our Lighttpd to learn more about our users: Geo-tracking the location from the client IP address, dissecting the page traversal behavior ("clickstream analysis") and other data points. Also responsible access logging practices are outlined.
Chapter 6 adds SSL support to our Lighttpd and walks through the steps to acquire or create the required certificates, whether we obtain a certificate from a public or corporate certificate authority, self-sign a certificate, or become our own certificate authority.
Chapter 7 helps us securing our Lighttpd by authorizing access, limiting traffic by IP to thwart denial-of-service attacks, and measuring our success by rigorously examination of our log files. Setting up log rotate and log parsers is also covered.
Chapter 8 concerns itself with limiting the potential damage a subverted Lighttpd could do to the system. The techniques to achieve this are reducing privileges and putting the whole Lighttpd in a secluded environment. Containing Lighttpd and a CGI backend in different environments is also demonstrated.
Chapter 9 shows a strategy to optimize our Lighttpd from system and configuration settings to the source code itself. The chapter also shows specific optimizations known to yield benefits across most systems.
Chapter 10 takes a pragmatic look on the migration path from Apache httpd. It shows how to port basic configuration, rewrite and redirect rules, how to deal with .htaccess
files, and even discusses when not to migrate.
Chapter 11 revisits the CGI interfaces by getting various example applications from Ruby on Rails over WordPress, phpMyAdmin, trac, and AWstats to AjaxTerm up and running with our Lighttpd.
Chapter 12 adds the small and fast scripting language Lua to the mix, which can be used to extend the functionality of Lighttpd by mod_magnet
or as a backend language by the Lua/FastCGI interface written by the same author as Lighttpd. Both options are discussed, along with an introduction to the language itself.
Chapter 13 gives a run down of extending Lighttpd by extending existing modules or even writing our own. With these modules, we can change the behavior of Lighttpd from request parsing to sending or altering content. This chapter is aimed at an average C programmer.
Appendix A lists the HTTP status codes that our Lighttpd can return on answering a request, giving directions which chapter or other source might have more information on each request.
Appendix B is the module and configuration index. Each configuration option for every Lighttpd module of the official distribution is explained here in one or two short sentences. Forgotten how a configuration option is written, what type it has or what it means? Look no further.