Visuals for filtering
Filtering the data that users will see within a Power BI report is the most effective way to answer very specific questions about that data, and there are many ways to accomplish this. One of Power BI's best features is its default capability to allow users to interact with a visual, which will then apply that as a filter to the rest of the visuals on that page, and this is known as interactive filtering. This behavior really puts the power into the user's hands, and they can decide how they want to filter the visuals. This now makes a report so much more robust because it can answer so many more questions about the data. Along with this functionality, we, report developers, can add more explicit forms of filtering using the Slicer visual that is available to us in the visuals area. This allows us to choose a very specific field from our data, that we know our end users will want to manipulate to see that data in various different states. So now, lets dive in and get a better understanding of these two filtering options, as they will most definitely be elements we will see in our finished reports.