Setting up code
Now that we have all the tools needed to start developing the application, we will go through the list of technology pre-requisites:
- SmartExchange application is completely written in TypeScript (https://www.typescriptlang.org). TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. If you are new to TypeScript, here is a video series on getting started with TypeScript: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hADI92zCIvE&list=PLYxzS__5yYQkX-95LHG5EDxPj3tVvVmRd.
- On the server side, we are going to use Mongoose to interface with the MongoDB. Mongoose is a MongoDB object-modelling tool designed to work with asynchronous environment. If you are new to Mongoose, here is a video series on getting started with Mongoose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swWRUvluSkE&list=PLGquJ_T_JBMQ1C0Pp41sykceli8G1UGtg.
- Express is going to be our service side MVC framework. If you are new to Express, here is a video series on Express from scratch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_0ZzvHbNBQ&list=PLillGF-RfqbYRpji8t4SxUkMxfowG4Kqp.
- Finally, on the client side, we are going to use Angular framework, Version 5.2.0. If you are aware of Angular 2.x or above, most of the code should be familiar. If you are new to Angular 5 altogether, you can checkout this video series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eWrpsCLMJQ&list=PLC3y8-rFHvwhBRAgFinJR8KHIrCdTkZcZ.
To get the combined knowledge of an entire MEAN stack application, take a look at the video entitled Setting up a MEAN4+ App (MongoDB, Express.js, Nodejs, Angular): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tw-rskOmcMM. Make sure you have at least a basic understanding of the above before you continue.