Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms(Second Edition)

What you need for this book

You can set up three different development environments for this book. You do not need to have all the three environments; you can select one or give all of them a try!

For the first option, you need a browser. We recommended one of the following:

The second option is setting up a local webserver:

  • A browser listed in the first option
  • A webserver. If you do not have any installed in your computer, you can install XAMMP from https://www.apachefriends.org

The third option is a 100% JavaScript environment!

  • A browser listed in the first option
  • NodeJS (http://nodejs.org/)
  • After installing NodeJS, install the http-server package:
 npm install http-server –g

You can find more detailed instructions in the first chapter as well.