What you need for this book
All the examples in this book use open source solutions and can be downloaded for free from the links provided in each chapter.
We use AngularJS and a Yeoman Generator to build all the examples. You can find the link to each tool in every chapter, mainly in the Getting ready section.
Also, you will need Node.js installed on your machine and tools such as Grunt, Yeoman, and Bower.
You can find how to install these tools using the following links:
- Node.js: https://nodejs.org/en/
- Grunt.js: http://gruntjs.com/
- Bower: http://bower.io/
- Yeoman: http://yeoman.io/
You can use the text editor of your choice, but in Chapter 9, Directive Unit Testing with Karma and Jasmine, we strongly recommend the use of WebStorm. However, the tasks can be accomplished with a simple editor.
You can download a trial version from WebStorm at https://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/.
A modern browser will be very helpful too. We use Chrome, but feel free to use your preferred one. We recommend the latest versions of Safari, Firefox, Chrome, IE, or Opera.
Also, if you need some help with the markup, you can download the code examples.