This book is for Colinda, Kiki, Dries, Wolf, and Leny.
Recently, I reviewed Getting Started with Zurb Foundation 4 by Andrew D. Patterson and Learning Zurb Foundation by Kevin Horek. After finishing this book, I will start writing Less Web Development Cookbook for Packt Publishing.
Although I have written many blogs and technical project requirements in the past years, this is the first book I have written to be published. Writing this book wasn't possible without the support of my family, Caroliene, and the people of Vivent. Richard Harvey was a patient and excellent motivator and critical reader. Sruthi Kutty helped me dot the i's and cross the t's. Finally, I will thank the reviewers of this book, Simone Deponti, Austin Pickett, and Marcus Bointon, for their critical and valuable suggestions, which make this book even better.