In this chapter, we had the chance to take a complete tour of the App-V components and architecture. Learning about these concepts can introduce us to an optimized new implementation and healthy operations in App-V.
We've reviewed the App-V server components and the sequenced files present in each virtual package, and we also had a good look at the App-V client modules. This last topic is not usually used by most admins, ignoring the fact that some of the most important optimization parameters are included in the client.
We understood the Global and User Data directories present on each App-V client, and how the particular application's modifications are stored within these directories, including one of the key components in the App-V client cache.
We also took a quick tour of the deployment possibilities and differentiating them to understand which possibility (or possibilities) is best suited for our organization. In order to understand most of that, it is also important to understand the App-V client and publishing interaction processes.
We had a good glimpse at the App-V platform, and reviewed some key concepts that will probably clarify a lot of topics and highlight necessary information for a healthy App-V implementation and maintenance.
In the next chapter, we are going to keep up with some advanced topics; this time by using advanced sequencing techniques in App-V.