Chapter 2. Customizing UAG's Look and Feel
UAG customizations can be very intense and deeply technical, but what everyone wants is for everything to look its best, right? The fact is, a large portion of UAG customers perform at least some adjustments to the appearance, even if it is just changing the title of the portal page. Look and feel customizations are considered to be rather well documented, as opposed to some of the more advanced stuff you will see later on in the book, but the purpose of this chapter is not to repeat that official documentation. We will be guiding you through the actual process, of course, but also suggesting some creative thoughts to get the message across in ways that you may have never thought of. The topics covered ahead include the following:
- Visual customization overview
- Customizing the login and admin pages
- Customizing the portal
- Portal application icons
- Changing texts
- Adding a user-interface language
- Portal selection for clients