Yuan Zhigang(2)
Professor Xu Guihua, a pioneer in Chinese economics research, is a professor of economics and doctoral supervisor at the School of Economics in Fudan University. The book, Chinese Socialist Political Economics, is a collection of his research and perspectives on China's reform and opening-up in the last three decades, and many of his ideas are still valuable and meaningful at present. This book consists of Professor Xu's most valuable and significant theoretical innovations regarding China's pursuit of wealth and national revitalization.
The book contains seven chapters, namely, Stage of Social Development in China, China's Socialist Market Economy, Feasible Socialist Joint-stock System, On Great International Economic Circulation, Sannong Issue: Top Priority for China, Explorations and Thoughts on China's Capital Market, and New Changes and Innovations in Economic Methodology. The writings in the book reflect Professor Xu's key research results over the last three decades. What should be noted in particular is his argument with regard to the Stage of Social Development in China. It is imperative for Chinese communists to stick to communism ideas and beliefs, and one of the greatest deeds by Chinese communists is having recognized, after decades of exploration, that the current stage of China's social development is still the primary stage of socialism. This significant ideological breakthrough helps demonstrate the “seeking truth from facts” principle of the Party. It is this very recognition which paved the way for China's economic reform and opening-up. Professor Xu has made outstanding contributions to this key theory. As early as in 1987, he noted that socialism envisioned by Karl Marx is different from socialist countries in reality, and argued that socialist countries should retreat to the primary stage of socialism development. This innovative notion has cast significant impact on Chinese academics. All social practices and reforms must comply with social development stages – it's a vital argument for then and now. It will be wrong trying to bypass certain development stages.
This book has also included many valuable ideas of Professor Xu in other fields. He was one of the first economists that have proposed the notion of socialist market economy. From the very beginning, he argued that China should adopt a state-led market economy. In the debate about international economic circulation, Professor Xu strongly argued that China should focus on its domestic market to integrate its own economy with the global one, an argument still proving relevant today, so as his perspective on the Sannong issue and stock market. Meanwhile, Professor Xu has expressed great concerns about China's dual-structure economy, the under-developed countryside, and proposed solutions to such concerns. As a patriotic economist, he is a role model for me and other colleagues in the Fudan University School of Economics.
At the publication of Professor Xu's masterpiece, I would like to pay my tribute as a student and young colleague, and extend my most sincere congratulations.
October 2008
(1)This is the foreword to the first edition of the Chinese version.
(2)Yuan Zhigang is a Chair Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Programme of the Ministry of Education, a doctoral supervisor, and director of the Academic Committee of the Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University. He used to be dean of the School of Economics, Fudan University (2004–2005).