第185章 停止多任务处理
Stop Multitasking. No, Really— Just Stop It.
By Oliver Burkeman
A few months ago, I was teetering on the brink of feeling overwhelmed by life’s responsibilities, afflicted by the ambient anxiety that seems to be an intrinsic part of life in the 2020s. In an effort to maintain my sanity, I embarked on a personal endurance challenge.
I decided to give up listening to podcasts or music while running or driving or loading the dishwasher or doing almost anything else. To just focus, in other words, on what it was I was actually doing, one activity at a time.
It was surprisingly hard. You may discover, as I did, that you were unwittingly addicted to not doing one thing at a time. You might even come to agree with me that restoring our capacity to live sequentially— that is, focusing on one thing after another, in turn, and enduring the confrontation with our human limitations that this inherently entails— may be among the most crucial skills for thriving in the uncertain, crisis-prone future we all face.
The uncomfortable truth is that the only way to find sanity in an overwhelming world is to surrender such efforts to escape the human condition and drop back down into the reality of our limitations.
There will always be too much to do, no matter what you do. But the ironic upside of this seemingly dispiriting fact is that you needn’t beat yourself up for failing to do it all, nor keep pressuring yourself to find ways to get on top of it all by means of increasingly extreme multitasking.
Instead, you can pour your finite time, energy and attention into a handful of things that truly count. You’ll enjoy things more in the bargain. My gratifying new ability to be here now while running or driving or cooking dinner isn’t the result of having developed any great spiritual prowess. Rather, it’s a matter of realizing I could only ever be here now anyway— so I might as well give up the stressful struggle to pretend otherwise.