第188章 让我们不要再假装大学学历不重要
Let's Stop Pretending College Degrees Don't Matter
By Ben Wildavsky
Scanning the headlines, it would be easy to believe that a college degree is becoming increasingly irrelevant in a fast-evolving job market.
Fourteen states, including 10 in the past year alone, have dropped degree requirements for many state jobs.
As always, it's useful to look at what economists call “revealed preferences“— or what people do, regardless of what they say.
The economic advantage of getting a college degree remains at just about an all-time high when compared with the average earnings of Americans with only a high-school diploma.
In April 2022, a major study by the Society for Human Resource Management, or S.H.R.M., found that 71 percent of executives said that some alternative credentials are equivalent to a bachelor's degree. But only 58 percent of supervisors (most likely beneath those executives on the organization chart) concurred, a figure that fell to 36 percent for human resources professionals, or those typically closest to hiring decisions.
The broad education and targeted skills that college graduates usually obtain prepare them for career success. That includes analytical and communications abilities, tailored preparation in popular subjects like business, nursing and computer science, or liberal arts majors that have significant long-term benefits. When undergrads are also able to develop their social capital to build professional networks, so much the better.
College degree requirements aren't sacred. But they reflect the unmistakable reality that higher education helps people do well.